
BBC Choral Evensong – December

Choral Evensong is aired twice weekly on Radio 3 – live at 3.30 pm on Wednesday and repeated at 4pm Sunday. Choral Evensong was first broadcast on Thursday 7 October 1926 live from Westminster Abbey and has been broadcast weekly on BBC Radio ever since.

Weds 7th Dec 2011
  (rpt Sun 11th Dec 2011) – 
Live from Norwich Cathedral on the First Evensong of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Introit: Hail gladdening light (Wood)   
Responses: Ayleward   
Hymn: O strength and stay (O strength and stay)
   Psalm: 37 (Goss, Ouseley)
   First Lesson: Amos 9 vv11-end
   Canticles: Howells in B minor
   Second Lesson: Philippians 4 vv4-9   
Anthem: And I saw a new heaven (Bainton)   
Anthem: A hymn to the Virgin (Britten)   
Organ Voluntary: Moderato con moto from Sonata in A minor (William Harris)
   Thomas Primrose (Conductor)   
David Dunnet (Organist)

Weds 14th Dec 2011
 (rpt Sun 18th Dec 2011) –  
Chapel of Worksop College with the Choir of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.

Introit: Sanctus (Alcock)
   Responses: Geoffrey Webber 
Office    Hymn: Sancte Cuthberte (Laus Patrono)
Psalm: 38 (Webber)
   First Lesson: Jeremiah 7 vv1-11
  Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D minor (Vaughan Williams)
   Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 2 vv1-10
   Anthem: Komm, Jesu, komm (Bach)   
Hymn: Hills of the North, rejoice (Little Cornard)   
Organ   Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
   Geoffrey Webber (Director of Music)
   Annie Lydford and Nick Lee (Organ Scholars)   
Timothy Uglow (Director of Music at Worksop College)

Weds 21st Dec 2011
(no repeat) – 
Portsmouth Cathedral

Introit: Hymn to the Mother of God (John Tavener)
   Responses: Clucas
   Hymn: Creator of the stars of night (Conditor alme)
   Psalms: 81, 84 (Plainsong)
   First Lesson: Isaiah        55
Canticles on Plainsong Tones (Arthur Wills)
   Second Lesson: 2 Peter 2vv4-end
   Anthem: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Praetorius)
   Hymn: Hark, what a sound (Highwood)
   Organ  Voluntary: Les enfants de Dieu from La Nativité du Seigneur (Messiaen)
   David Price (Organist and Master of the Choristers)
   William Drakett and Nick Miller (Acting Sub-Organists)

Weds 28th Dec 2011  
(rpt 1st Jan 2012) – 
St John’s Church, Upper Norwood, London with the Choir of King’s College, London on the Feast of the Holy Innocents

Introit: Vox in Rama (Bernadino de Ribera)
   Responses: Tomkins
   Office Hymn: Salvete flores martyrum (Victoria)
   Psalms: 123 (Roseingrave) 124 (Knight) 127 (Garrett) and 128 (Turle)   
First lesson: Jeremiah 31, vv15-17
   Magnificat sexti toni a 12 (Victoria)
   Second lesson: Matthew 2, vv13-18   
Nunc dimittis (Victoria)
   Anthem: Singet dem Herrn BWV 225 (Bach)
   Hymn: Unto us is born a Son
   Organ Voluntary: Prelude in G major BWV 541 (Bach)
   Director of Music: David Trendell
  Organ Scholars: Richard Hall and Christopher Woodward