Scottish Episcopal Church response on same sex marriage

The Scottish Episcopal Church yesterday submitted its response to the Scottish Government’s consultation document on the registration of civil partnerships and same sex marriage through the Faith and Order Board of its General Synod.

In submitting its response, the Scottish Episcopal Church has stated that its General Synod expresses the mind of the Church through its Canons.  The Canon on Marriage currently states that marriage is a ‘physical, spiritual and mystical union of one man and one woman created by their mutual consent of heart, mind and will thereto, and as a holy and lifelong estate instituted of God’.

The Rt Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness and Convener of the Faith & Order Board’s working group on the consultation explains “The Canon on Marriage is clear in its wording and that has given the working group set up by the Faith and Order Board a common basis on which to discuss the issues raised in the Government’s Paper.  The Church’s current position is that marriage is a union between a man and a woman and this clarity allows us the space to listen to the many differing views held by the members of our Church.

“The general issues raised by the consultation document are matters which are already the subject of ongoing discussion within both the Anglican and Porvoo Communions, and in which the Scottish Episcopal Church plays its part.  Our written submission is offered in the knowledge of these ongoing discussions, it is placed within the Government’s time frame and has therefore sought to indicate our canonical position without pre-empting any debate we as a Church are or could be engaged in.

“The working group thanks those who offered advice and those who offered prayer and I thank the working party for the generous way we worked with each other.”
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