Youghal invited to celebrate return of restored church organ

Youghal Methodist Church is inviting the wider to community to join ‘Come Celebrate and Sing,’ an evening of carols and recitals celebrating the restoration of their church organ on Wednesday December 14th. The event is inter church and Ian Sexton, the Organist & Master of The Clerks Choral of Youghal’s Collegiate Church of Saint Mary the Virgin will be playing.

The organ in question is a two-manual (keyboard) Megahy pneumatic instrument, constructed by the legendary Cork organ builders of the same name, over 100 years ago. Its façade carries 75 pipes with very many more behind it. For half its life it would have been operated by hand pump before an electric motor was installed.

However the years took their toll and earlier this year the melodious monument fell into some disrepair. As the Megahy firm no longer trades, the Church recruited organ builders Kenneth Jones & Associates of Kilcoole in Co. Wicklow to conduct repairs. “The work took about three months to complete in Wicklow and we are extremely happy to see the organ restored to its splendid, original form,” says Gordon Good, who carries the title of Property Steward for the Youghal church.

The restoration cost ran into tens of thousands of euros and was met by private benefactors. It is regarded as money well spent.  There is pride and admiration in Gordon’s voice when he quotes the restorers’ summary that describes the organ as “almost all pipe work of spotted metal, which is superb for organ pipe construction and gives finest quality and tone.” That description alone transcends religious relevance and casts the organ into the realms of valuable Youghal heritage.

The upcoming ‘welcome home’ celebration will bring the talents of Ian Sexton to the keyboard in a cross-denomination exercise. Ian is the Organist & Master of The Clerks Choral of Youghal’s Collegiate Church of Saint Mary the Virgin. He also tutors at the Department of Music, UCC and director of a mixed voice chamber choir dedicated to repertoire before 1750.

On a night on which some readings may also be shared, the attendance will further have an opportunity to donate to the Youghal St, Vincent de Paul Society as they leave the church. “We hope the townspeople in general will come and share what will be a joyful night, just eleven days before Christmas,” invites Gordon.

Come Celebrate and Sing is at the Methodist Church, Friar Street on Wednesday December 14th commencing at 8 pm.