Primus: economic situation is hurting – the future is uncertain.

In his Christmas reflection the Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church says:

“This Christmas is different.  The economic situation is hurting.  The future is uncertain.  The sales have begun earlier than ever.

“Nobody likes that kind of world.  The wealthy may have ‘a bit less’ and feel that life is difficult.  But the poorest are at their most vulnerable and in need of help.  Our society is still a place of unacceptable imbalances in the distribution of wealth.

“Faith groups and caring agencies witness to our need as a society to care for those most in need.  I spent time recently with the Occupy Camp in Edinburgh – their witness is to the need for our society to create wealth for the benefit of the many not the few.

“Christians believe that Jesus was born into a world in which ‘all was not well.’  His birth is God’s response to the injustice of that world and a witness to the power of love as a challenge to the greed and the injustice which characterises so much of our society.

“Christmas is always special.  It will be particularly special this year because we are aware as never before of the challenge to create a truly caring and loving society.”