
Boris Johnson attacks UK government on Disability Living Allowance

London Mayor Boris Johnson has attacked the UK government over its reforms to Disability Living Allowance, which campaigners say are disastrous.

The details of the Conservative Mayor’s negative response to the government’s DLA consultation have been revealed ahead of a report to be published on Monday 9 January by disability activists.

The report, entitled ‘Responsible Reform’, is being backed by a range of NGOs, including the Disability Alliance, Mind and Ekklesia.
In his reponse to the government, Mr Johnson directly takes on the ‘benefit scrounger myth’. He argues that ministers should not impose penalties on those who have claimed incorrectly.

Johnson says: “The government proposes imposing penalties if disabled people do not inform the government in changes in their circumstances. However, the Department of Work and Pensions statistics give the overall fraud rate for Disability Living Allowance as being less than 0.5.”

He continues: “For those with fluctuating conditions asking them to report every change to their condition would prove very stressful. Rather than penalties the government should issue very clear guidance about what constitutes change and in relation to which conditions.”

The mayor also worries that moving children from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independent Payment: “Could potentially condemn the parents of disabled children and young people, and the children themselves to a life of financial hardship rather than financial assistance.”

* The full Mayoral response on DLA can be seen here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/77329822/Mayoral-

* Left Foot Forward: http://www.leftfootforward.org/