Norfolk course shows new ways to do mission

A mission-shaped ministry course running in Norfolk over the last year has helped people to share their faith with those who are not yet part of any church. Here some of the participants share their experiences.

Nearly forty people participated in the course from Church of England, Methodist and URC churches So what sort of people were involved in the course and what did they make of it?

The course has been running since January 2011 and concluded at the end of the year with a fantastic day with The Right Rev’d Graham Cray, national director of Fresh Expressions.
People came for many different reasons: Some were church ministers, often taking on new appointments or new challenges for mission. Some like Marie Brown and Simon Fenn (pictured below with wife Gemma) were  youth workers seeking to be equipped to reach out to young people in fresh ways appropriate to fast changing youth culture.  Simon particularly valued the depth of the theology of the course alongside the practical relevance to his work

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