Publication on current issue of concern

A book “Moving Forward Together: Homosexuality and the Church of Ireland” co-edited by Canon Ginnie Kennerley and Dr Richard O’Leary is being published to assist the mutual listening and discussion in preparation for the Church of Ireland’s special conference on sexuality in March 2012.

According to the CAI web site it will be available in hard copy and pdf format from Changing Attitude Ireland before 31st January 2012.
The contributions are by theologians, prominent members of the Church of Ireland and gay and lesbian persons in the Church of Ireland and include: Alan Acheson, Prof. Nigel Biggar, Bishop Michael Burrows, Dr Elizabeth Butler, Henry Haslam and Charles Elliot, Canon Charles Kenny, Rev Mervyn Kingston Ven. Gordon Linney, Jeremy Marks, Justice Catherine McGuinness, Canon Albert Ogle, Dr Andrew Pierce.

CONTENTS  (All titles are provisional; updated 31/12/11)
Preface   Mrs. Justice Catherine McGuinness

Introduction   Ginnie Kennerley and Richard O’Leary

Does the Faith stand or fall here? Prof Nigel Biggar

Reading Romans 1 together Canon Charles Kenny

Civil partnerships and the Church Ven Gordon Linney

Struggling to go forward together  Dr Andrew Pierce

Reviewing Lambeth ’98 1.10. Revd Michael Burrows, writing in 2001

Homosexuality- moving on?  Dr Elizabeth Butler

Science, faith and sexual orientation

An Evangelical appeals to tradition Alan Acheson

How I learned not to attempt “reparative therapy” Jeremy Marks

The Hard Gospel: from sectarianism to ethnicity to sexuality, Richard O’Leary

The Church needs to listen to its Gay Clergy, Rev Mervyn Kingston

My Vocation, Mary

Self Service – a Civil Partnership celebrated in Church, Henry Haslam and Charles Elliot

From exile to reconciliation: A gay cleric’s story. Canon Albert Ogle

Epilogue: Ginnie Kennerley and Richard O’Leary

Dublin Book Launch: Thursday 9th February 2012. 18.15hrs Trinity College Gallery Chapel, following Evensong at 17.15 hrs. Speaker TBC. Belfast Launch – Venue: The Good Bookshop. details TBC.

See: http://www.changingattitudeireland.org/