Shakespeare in Stranmillis and Dublin

The Bart Players are involved in a new approach to the Bard.

Am–Dram groups across the UK & Ireland have been invited to do “something new” related to Shakespeare.  Productions will be assisted in a small way by the RSC and by its regional partners, in our case Belfast’s Lyric Theatre. In July 2012, one company from each of the participating regions will be invited to perform in Stratford–Upon–Avon in the RSC World Festival of Shakespeare.

What are we doing about it?
Bart Players in partnership with the Dublin Shakespeare Society have risen to the challenge and devised an entirely new production, “The Globe Motel”, with a ‘script’ that intercuts the characters and text from eight of Shakespeare’s most popular works.

What’s so different about this production?
The St. Bartholomew’s Church, Stranmillis Road, Belfast,  its adjoining Canon Lindsay Hall any many of its spaces will be transformed into a ‘motel’  for what will be a promenade performance. The opening scenes are in the ballroom (Main hall): Act 2 will move into various locations in the motel – reception, kitchen, bedrooms, stores, church – with a number of scenes playing simultaneously as the audience choose which piece of action to follow. Act 3 will bring us back to the ballroom for the finale.

The Belfast performances are 23,24 & 25 Feb at 8pm and 25 Feb at 3pm.

And then?
We travel to Dublin where we are hosted by Findlater’s Church, Parnell Square. This too will be transformed into a motel and it halls and spaces  become performance areas.

The Findlater’s Church performances are 23 March at 5pm and 8pm and 24 March at 3pm and 8pm