Gay dean may take church to court

A  gay dean has threatened to take the Church of  England to court after he was blocked from becoming a bishop, an English newspaper states.

The Daily Mail reports: The Very Rev Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans, has instructed an eminent employment lawyer to complain to Church officials after being rejected for the role of Bishop of Southwark.

Sources say the dean, one of the most contentious figures in the Church, believes he could sue officials under the Equality Act 2010, which bans discrimination on the grounds of sexuality. Such a case could create a damaging new rift within the CoE.

Dr John was at the centre of a storm in 2003 when forced to step down as Bishop of Reading by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams after it became known that he was in a gay, though celibate, relationship. The furore fuelled a bitter civil war within the Anglican Church that has dominated Dr Williams’s decade in office.

The dean was again a cause of infighting in 2010 when he was a candidate for Bishop of Southwark. A respected theologian and former canon at Southwark Cathedral, he had strong backing from senior Church liberals and it was said even David Cameron was supportive.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2086720/Ill-sue-Church-England-bars-bishop-says-The-Very-Rev-Jeffrey-John-Dean-St-Albans.html#ixzz1jaQ7qQ3c