Widespread participation in Week of Prayer for Unity

Services are being held throughout Ireland using worship materials prepared by the churches of Poland.

The Week of Prayer is an annual event organized by the World Council of Churches and the …..

The theme is “We will all be Changed” arising out of Polish experiences of multiple invasion, partition and oppression.

Reflecting on the experiences of Polish Christians the services will challenge church members in this area to actively pursue greater unity. By praying and worshipping together, participants will commit themselves to making a difference in the community through shared faith and positive action.

Ballygally and Cairncastle, County Antrim

The four churches of Ballygally and Cairncastle are marking the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by holding a series of short inter–church services.
These will take place on Monday January 16 to Thursday January 19 from 6.30pm–7pm, meeting in each of the four churches in turn.

Venues for the four services are as follows: Monday 16 – St Patrick’s, Cairncastle; Tuesday 17 – St Joseph’s, Ballygally; Wednesday 18 – Cairncastle Non–Subscribing Presbyterian; Thursday 19 – Cairncastle Presbyterian (with refreshments served afterwards).

For further information please contact: The Rev Roger Thompson: 2858 3220, Father Aidan Kerr: 2884 1246, Rev Lena Cockroft: 9180 0690, Rev Anne Tolland: 2858 3268.

Church of Saints Columbanus and Gall, Milltown. Jan 18th.  Preacher – Archbishop of Dublin the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson.

St Patrick’s Catholic Church – Jan 18th 7.30pm

Trinity College Chapel
The Ecumenical Chaplaincy at Trinity College Dublin will mark the Week of Prayer with a special service of Choral Evensong on Thursday 19 January at 5.15pm. The Revd Dr Maurice Elliott, principal of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, will be the guest preacher.

St. Patrick’s Church, Dalkey
19th January 7:30 pm Preacher :  Archbishop Dr Diarmuid Martin

Interdenominational Service in Irish, Christ Church Cathedral
There will be an interdenominational service in Irish in Christ Church Cathedral on Friday evening, 20 January, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

This service is being organised by Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise in conjunction with Pobal an Aifrinn.  The theme for this year, chosen by the Christian community in Poland is:  “We will all be changed”.

The chairman of Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise said,

“When we planned the first service back in 1971 we had no idea that it would be still going strong over 40 years later.  We very much appreciate the tremendous support we have received over the years.  It is our privilege to be involved each year.

We extend a warm welcome to all  to attend this service on Friday evening”.

There will be refreshments available in the Crypt downstairs after the service and it will still be possible to see the bilingual exhibition “the best of books”.

Wicklow area
In Wicklow Parish Church on Sunday 22 January at 7.30pm.  The music is to be provided by the Unity Gospel Choir and representatives of the different denominations will be taking part.

Belfast Cathedrals’  Annual Joint Service will be held in St Anne’s on Tuesday 24th January at 7.00 pm/ The preacher will be Bishop Donal McKeown.

St. George’s , Balbriggan
24th January, 8 pm26th January 2012

St. Philip & St James, Cross Ave, Booterstown
26th January 7:30 pm

For other services in Dublin see: