C of E financial challenges

The C of E is selling the deanery in Truro, and many parishes are facing a financial fight for survival
This is reflected in two reports from provincial papers.

‘This is Cornwall’ reports on the Truro deanery sale:

“The home of the dean of Truro Cathedral has been put on the market to help pay for the Church’s work within the community.

If the £900,000 asking price is achieved, the sale of The Deanery could make the Church of England a £350,000 profit, after buying the property for £550,000 nearly ten years ago.”

More at:

The County Times in Wessex reports on a parish facing hard financial facts:

“A parish vicar has sent his parishioners a sobering New Year message saying church finances are at ‘crisis point’.

“In his monthly column in the Kirdford with Plaistow Parish newsletter, the Rev Paul Redparth, says the parish is running at a loss of £1,124 a month due to rising costs and a continuing reduction in subsidies from central reserves.

“He writes that the Church of England is not rich, but relies on the ‘courageous and often sacrificial’ donations from congregations to pay its staff, its bills and all the life-changing work it does in the community.”

More at: http://www.wscountytimes.co.uk/news/local/church_leaders_warn_of_crisis_in_parish_finances_1_3419406