
WCC asks Nigerian president to support Christian/Muslim peace

The World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit expressed deep sadness over the current wave of violence in Nigeria, calling on the churches to pray for the victims, and asking Nigerian president to support solidarity efforts for peace by both Christians and Muslims in the country.

In his letter to the Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan, Tveit wrote, “We continue to mourn the loss of life, particularly among those who were killed in brutal attacks this past weekend in Kano and the attacks on and deaths of Christian worshipers celebrating the mass service of Christmas in Abuja only a month ago.”

Tveit urged the need to remain both “vigilant and prayerful” as the recent developments in Nigeria pose a threat to peace and stability in the region.

He said that actions of both Christian and Muslim leaders working together in Nigeria will ultimately allow both communities to live in peace.

“Nigeria cannot become another battlefield where religion is used to promote division, hatred and allowing for destructive intentions. Christians and Muslims around the world offer their support to our sisters and brothers in Nigeria to enable them to live together in peace.”

On behalf of the churches, Tveit expressed condolence to the bereaved families suffering from the violence and hoped for the justice and healing of victims in the country.