An invite to Eco-Congregation Ireland’s online conference October 3

‘Planetary Emergency: How to Have Hope’

You are invited to the Eco-Congregation Ireland online conference ‘Planetary Emergency: How to Have Hope’ to be held on Saturday 3 October 2020 from 10.30am to 12.30pm via Zoom. The speakers are Professor John Barry, Sr Nellie McLaughlin and Denise Gabuzda. You can read their bios below.

In this time of climate emergency we can easily succumb to despair. Speakers from the perspectives of science, faith and social policy show us how to have hope for the future and take practical action.
This conference is free of charge and you can book via this Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/planetary-emergency-how-to-have-hope-tickets-118841152085.

PLEASE NOTE: when you register you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link to the conference on 3 October. This link is at the bottom of this confirmation email, so you will have to scroll down to see it. This is the link to click on on the day to access the conference via Zoom.

Bios of Speakers

Professor John Barry is Professor of Green Political Economy at Queen’s University Belfast and is interested in post-growth economics, sustainability, resilience and low carbon energy transitions.

Sr Nellie McLaughlin BA MDiv is a native of Co Donegal and a member of the Sisters of Mercy, Northern Province, Ireland. She currently works in the areas of Creation Spirituality, Cosmology, Ecology and Sustainable Living through conferences, seminars and retreats nationally and internationally. Nellie is a founding member and a director of Green Sod Land Trust, Ireland (2007) and author of ‘Out of Wonder, the Evolving Story of the Universe’ (2004) and ‘Life’s Delicate Balance’ – a response to Laudato Si’ (2015). She is chairperson of Clogher Diocesan Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Group.

Denise Gabuzda is Clerk of Ireland Yearly Meeting and a member of Cork Quaker Meeting. She teaches physics and astronomy at University College Cork. Her scientific and spiritual lives converge on learning to live sustainably as the key task of our time.
