Dr John Sentamu’s message asks people to offer friendship, love and compassion this Christmas and to see everyone in society as extended family.
The full text of the Archbishop’s online message reads as follows.
“I know that this has been a difficult year for many people in Britain. We are going through tough economic times, with many worried about the future. We need to rediscover the Christian virtue of Hope – which isn’t the same as blind optimism.
“As a country, may we recover genuine support of other people in practical ways. Not just financially, but also with our time and our unique skills.
“No matter who we are, the one thing we can always give is ourselves selflessly.
“Let us remember we are all made in the likeness and image of God. Whether you’re short or tall, black or white, old or young, God loves you for who you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
“Whilst Christmas is a special time for family, why not see everyone in society as our extended family. We are all precious and all loved.
“By supporting people around us, we recognise that there is something far more valuable than the latest toy or gadget. Friendship, love and compassion are the gifts that we should give freely.
“May I wish you all a very blessed, peaceful Christmas. Savour your time together, forget the fuss and put the love of Jesus Christ at the centre of your celebrations.”