Belfast input at Westminster Abbey

There are a number of people from Belfast who will be taking part in today’s ceremonies. Two of them trained for their roles in Belfast Cathedral.

Nigel Harris is the Dean’s Verger, a position he held in Belfast.

Singing in the choir is David Martin, a Past Chorister of Belfast and former student of music at MCB and Exeter University. As well as his post at the Abbey, his professional career takes him to perform internationally. His parents, Alan and Dorothy are members of Belfast Cathedral.

Another ex-MCB music student, Ian Keightley a most competent organist, is head of Music at Westminster School where the choristers of the Abbey are pupils. Ian’s parents are members of St Nicholas’ Parish, Belfast.

Another Ulsterman who will be present is The Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church. He says in a message to his church members: “It will be a great privilege to attend the Royal Wedding.  Every wedding is a moment of hope and trust as people commit themselves to one another and to the unknown future.  I hope that all who gather to watch the pageantry of Friday’s event will remember to hold in their prayers William and Kate – two young people who face exceptional challenges and calls to service in their lives.”

Primus Chillingworth presented BBC Radio 4’s daily prayer and reflection each day of Holy Week this year.