A ‘Blessing of the Roads’ ceremony will take place in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul in Ennis. Looking forward to the August holiday weekend, Bishop Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe, asks all road users to take extra care over these three days.
Bishop Monahan said, “We all share a responsibility to protect human life on our roads. This week the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána published a review of progress in road safety up to 28 July 2019. The review shows that from 1 January to 28 July 2019, 89 people died on the State’s roads in 80 collisions. Sadly, this represents 3% more collisions and 7% more deaths compared to data for the same period in 2018. This loss of human life is a tragedy for our society and is particularly devastating for the families and loved ones of those involved. I invite parishes across the diocese to pray for those who have lost their lives in tragic circumstances so far this year, and also to pray for the safety of our road users.”
At 6.30pm Mass this Saturday, at the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul in Ennis, Bishop Monahan will take part in a ‘Blessing of the Roads’ ceremony to pray for road safety.