C of I group comments on Introduction of Equal Marriage in NI

Photo above – Le Chœur gai de Montreal (Montreal Gay Men’s Chorus) sings at the annual pride mass at Christ Church Cathedral in the Anglican Church of Canada’s Diocese of Montreal.

Changing Attitude Ireland (CAI) has warmly welcomed the changes in the law in Northern Ireland that will result in the introduction of marriage for all citizen.

CAI commented –

These changes will bring greater protection for LGBT+ couples and families and bring Northern Ireland into step with most other western democracies and with all other parts of the United Kingdom.

Many couples will marry in the coming months and it is regrettable that LGBT+ couples, who are committed Christians and members of the Church of Ireland, will not be able to have their marriage ceremonies in their own parish churches or as part of a service. CAI will continue to work for the full inclusion of LGBT+ people in the Church of Ireland, including the right for LGBT+ people to marry within the Church. There are some green shoots – affirming members of clergy and a recent increase in the number of parishes that affirm and include LGBT+ people, including some that have signed up to CAI’s Open and Welcoming Congregations Scheme.

While the most recent statement from the House of Bishop’s in 2018 was very disappointing, it does provide for the opportunity for LGBT+ couples to seek prayers with members of the clergy at the time of their marriage. CAI encourages LGBT+ couples who are planning to marry to avail of such opportunities, ensuring that they are approaching a trusted member of the clergy or a parish that is registered or is known to be open and welcoming.

See also –
[ https://www.ireland.anglican.org/cmsfiles/pdf/Synod/2018/HoB-StatementMay2018.PDF ]
