C of I News

Clogher episcopal election, Proposals for Hymnal sought, Boring Wells featured on Fresh Expressions DVD, Clogher Missionary Roadshow, Connor Hall for community use

Clogher episcopal election

The House of Bishops meet on Monday 30th May for the purpose of electing a new Bishop of Clogher.

Proposals for Hymnal supplement sought

It is now 16 years since the contents of the Church Hymnal were decided upon and over 11 since it was published. The music sub-committee of the Liturgical Advisory Committee has been tasked with the responsibility of monitoring developments in hymnody, and searching for suitable material to put together a supplement to the hymnal published. The committee is now exploring the possibility of producing a modest, low-cost supplement to the hymnal and has been working at this over the last year.

New hymns and songs are constantly being written and there is a growing corpus of music which is becoming well loved and which greatly enriches the worshipping life of the church. There are also some areas where the provision of the hymnal could be strengthened, particularly in material suitable for children, young people and liturgical music that is readily sung by all.

The committee would like to consult as widely as possible throughout the Church of Ireland and invite suggestions of items for inclusion from organists, musicians, choir members, clergy and members of the Church of Ireland. This is your opportunity to give suggestions for consideration in this new publication.

Submissions to be made as soon as possible (preferably before the end of September) to the secretary of the sub-committee:
The Revd Peter Thompson
St Michael’s Rectory, 66 Main St, Castlecaulfield, Co Tyrone, BT70 3NP

Boring Wells featured on Fresh Expressions DVD

The Fresh Expressions organisation has just launched its second DVD showing a variety of Fresh Expressions of Church.  This new DVD features Boring Wells, a network of Mission-shaped initiatives in the Belfast area.

The Rev Adrian McCartney was invited to the launch, a day conference in Oxford called “Shaping the Landscape”.  The keynote speaker was Archbishop Rowan Williams. Archbishop Williams is famous now for coining the phrase, “mixed economy of church”.

Freshexpressions.org is the organisation set up by the Church of England and the Methodist Church in England to explore the ideas of “changing church for a changing world”. Adrian McCartney and the Boring Wells team are pursuing these ideas in the Church of Ireland context.

Freshexpressions.org is the organisation set up by the Church of England and the Methodist Church in England to explore the ideas of “changing church for a changing world”. Adrian McCartney and the Boring Wells team are pursuing these ideas in the Church of Ireland context.

Clogher Missionary Roadshow

Clogher Diocesan Board of Mission is holding a ‘Missionary Roadshow’ on the evening of Thursday 6th October in St Macartin’s Cathedral Hall. A number of missionary societies have indicated their intention to attend. This will give the societies the opportunity to explain and promote the missionary work they do and also give parishioners an opportunity to learn more about the missionary societies that their parish support.

C of I Directory

The Church of Ireland Directory 2012 is now being prepared for publication. Next year’s edition will have a slightly new look: a new process is under way to make amendments and corrections as late as possible, with the aim of having new information up-to-date for publication.

Connor Hall for community use

Major renovations have recently been m completed to the parish hall of All Saints:, Craigy Hill, Larne, Diocese of Connor. The hall has had a complete facelift, with the addition of a new toilet and access ramp for disabled users or children’s pushchairs. The interior has been repainted and the kitchen enlarged so that it will now be able to cater for parties and functions.