C of I news briefs

Diocesan Communications officer sought, Disability Working Group appointments, Heritage Week Lecture, Change for Hillsborough rector.

Diocesan Communications officer sought
The Dublin and Gendalough Diocesan Councils invite applications for the position of Dublin Communications Officer. This is a salaried post with variable hours, working from home. Candidates called for interview will be asked to make a short presentation on an aspect of the post.

Applications in writing, with C.V., should arrive not later than 9 September 2011
Please forward to: The Chairman, Diocesan Communications Committee, Diocesan Office, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

Disability Working Group

The Reverend Canon William Murphy has been appointed Chairman of the Disability Working Group replacing The Rev Dr Judith McGaffin.

New members – are the Reverend Malcolm Ferry and Mrs C. Ferry and Dr TMR Jackson.

These are the new terms of reference for the Working Group on Disability:
•    Promote the inclusion and equivalence of people living with disability into the life of the Church of Ireland and in God’s Kingdom here on earth.
•    Promote an awareness of people living with disability.
•    Recognise the contributions people living with disability can make to the church and society.
•    To liaise with and influence church structures and committees on issues relating to living with disability.
For further information: http://www.ireland.anglican.org/index.php?do=about&id=19

Heritage Week Lecture
The Representative Church Body Library is presenting a Heritage Week Lecture by
Ronnie Wallace on The Vestry Records of the Parish of St Bride, Dublin, 1662-1742

The event will be in Dublin City Library & Archive. 138-44, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 on Tuesday 23 August 2011 at 7pm. Wine from 6.30pm. All are welcome.

Change for Hillsborough rector
The Revd Simon Richardson has said farewell to Hillsborough Parish after spending 5 years there as first their curate and then as rector. Simon and his family will be moving on to Holywood Parish where he has accepted an invitation to work part-time as a curate.

When Simon was appointed Rector back in 2008, he had just been accepted to study for a doctorate in Belfast. He was, however, aware that it would be impossible to fulfil the more-than-full-time demands of being Rector of Hillsborough alongside part-time study.

In his letter in the parish magazine Simon said that he had become, “increasingly convinced that God continues to call me to go deeper into theological study, and I have always been determined to respond, as well as I may by his grace, to God’s calling on my life, wherever it may lead me.

“So, since Hillsborough still needs and deserves a full-time Rector, I have therefore decided that I will step down from my current role.”

Simon’s new post will allow him to spend two days a week at Union Theological College in Belfast.

“This has not been an easy decision, for many reasons, and many people will think it a strange one, he continued. “However, if God calls me to step down from a place of such honour, and to reduce my income, in order to study him more, and simply to be obedient, hopefully the last lesson I will leave in Hillsborough is that sacrifice for God is joy in itself.”

“Moreover, although I hope that I have made some difference here, I believe that it is for someone else to lead this parish into the next significant stage of its growth and development — and I will always pray this for Hillsborough; I remain convinced of the potential in this place to be a shining beacon of the Gospel.”

Sunday 14th August was Simon’s last as rector and Sunday 21st will see him introduced in Holywood