C of I news briefs

Dublin lecture, Stewards needed for Belfast Cathedral, Christ Church exhibition, CMS Craft Night, RSCM Come and Sing

Open Christianity Network Lecture by Bishop Willie Walsh

The Open Christianity Network will hold their annual lecture entitled ‘Search for Trust, Search for God’ on Saturday 29 October 2011 at 2.00pm in the Minor Hall of Taney Parish Centre on Taney Road, Dundrum, Co. Dublin.

The lecturer will be Bishop Willie Walsh, former bishop of Killaloe. All are welcome, and there will be a collection at the door to cover expenses.

Stewards urgently needed at Belfast Cathedral

Belfast Cathedral attracts visitors from around the world and volunteers provide a valuable service as Stewards, welcoming guests and giving them information.

There is an urgent need for more volunteers to augment the current team of Stewards during the Cathedral opening hours of 10.00am until 4.00pm daily.

The Dean of Belfast, the Very Revd John Mann, said: “Stewards play a vital role in the life of the Cathedral and their services are greatly appreciated. I would encourage
anyone who could contribute a little of their time to support those who so faithfully welcome our visitors.”

Some stewards contribute two hours a week and some two hours a month. Training will be provided.

Anyone who feels they could give of their time on a regular basis is asked to contact the Revd Campbell Dixon on 07879427980 or send an email to: campbelldixon@hotmail.co.uk.

Music Photography Exhibition

An exhibition by Peter Neill of his photographs musical events will take place in the crypt of Christ Church cathedral in Dublin from 2–9 November 2011.

Admission free, but for normal admission charge to cathedral.

There will also be a donation box at the exhibition entrance collecting for Crumlin Children’s Hospital – Optional Donations.

Details are here:  http://shootthesound.com/2011/09/music-photography-exhibition/
Date: 2011-11-02
Start: 09.30
Cost: Admission free, but with entrance charge to cathedral.
Venue: The Crypt, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

CMS Marketplace Craft Night at Kill O’The Grange Parish, Dublin

An exciting evening of crafts is in store as CMS Ireland re–launches Marketplace!
Marketplace bring together a wide range of hand–made crafts from CMS Ireland’s Global Partners and shares the stories behind these unique products.

We have worked with craft programmes in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Nepal to provide a new range of beautiful products, including a variety of small gifts, cards, jewellery and Christmas items.
If you are looking for a different sort of gift, unique jewellery or creative crafts, then come along to our Marketplace night where all of our new stock, including Christmas items, will be on sale!

We will also be launching our Alternative Gifts initiative – Giving you the opportunity to choose gifts that support our Global Partners in Healthcare, Education, Family and Church Life.

There will also be craft–making demonstrations and an opportunity to learn more about the stories behind the crafts. Supper will be provided.

Marketplace helps to support women like Grace…Grace is part of the Kiwoko Hospital Craft Scheme. She uses local materials to produce beautiful bowls and mats to sell at the hospital compound.

CMS Ireland is engaging with schemes like this through our Global Partners to bring crafts, and the stories behind them, to Ireland.

Why not invite Marketplace to your church?
If you are interested in finding out more about Marketplace, why not invite us along to your church for a special evening, or coffee morning of crafts and stories. Contact Us for more information or visit www.cmsireland.org

Date: 2011-11-10
 Start: 19.30
Cost: Admission free.
 Venue: Kill O’The Grange Parish, Dublin

Christmas Celebration at Monkstown Parish, Dublin

CMS Ireland invites friends and supporters to join them in Monkstown Parish, Dublin on Thursday 15 December 2011 at 7.30pm for the first of two special Christmas celebrations for the Society.

Please join us for an evening of worship and fellowship at this special time of year. The evening will include contributions from the Discovery Gospel Choir, as we well as stories, songs and refreshments.

For more information, please contact us or visit www.cmsireland.org

Date: 2011-12-15
Start: 19.30
Cost: Admission free.
Venue: Monkstown Parish Church, Dublin

Come and Sing at St Bartholomew’s Church

Come and Sing: Fauré and Mendelssohn Hear my prayer (12 November 2011, 13.30)
St Bartholomew’s Church, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

The rescheduled RSCM (Republic of Ireland) committee’s forthcoming “Come and Sing” event will be held on Saturday 12 November 2011 at St Bartholomew’s Church, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

We will be performing Fauré Requiem and Mendelssohn Hear my prayer. The conductor for the day will be Stuart Nicholson (Organist and Master of the Choristers at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin), the organist will be Tristan Russcher (Director of Music at St Bartholomew’s) and we also welcome bass soloist Jeffrey Ledwidge. The day will culminate in a concert of the works at 17.00:

Details of the event are as follows:
13.30: Registration in the Church Hall
14.00: Rehearsals (including refreshment breaks)
17.00: Performance (finished c.18.15)

Refreshments will be available (tea/coffee/soft drinks/biscuits) in the Church Hall. Details of how to book are on the Royal School of Church Music website which should be done by Friday 21 October 2011. Please remember to bring scores if you have them or to indicate on the booking form if you require these to be supplied.

You are most welcome to invite friends and family to attend the concert which will take place at 5pm. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 12 November for what promises to be a very exciting event.

Date: 2011-11-12  
Start: 13.30
Cost: Free, but booking adviseable.
Venue: St Bartholomew’s Church, Clyde Road