Songs of Praise at Hillsborough Parish tonight, Willowfield Christmas Fair, Alpha end of Year of Prayer in Ireland, Irish Church Missions Southern Supporters’ Meeting, Church of Ireland Theological Institute Advent Carol Service, ICM appeal for clothes for homeless
Songs of Praise at Hillsborough Parish tonight
Hillsborough will be ‘alive with the sound of music’ on Friday 2nd December at 7.30pm when the beautiful historic St Malachy’s Parish Church, Hillsborough will be the idyllic setting for a great evening of ‘Songs of Praise’. The evening of old traditional hymns and choruses is the brainchild of organiser Norman Houston (right) and his wife Mandy. Norman, together with local TV personality John Daly, will compere the programme with hopefully a packed congregation lifting the rafters as they sing their hearts out. Jonathan Houston will preside at the Snetzler organ and Julie Bell on piano. Also taking part will be: Norman Houston, Garvey Silver Band, Castlewellan Accordion Band, Nicola Prentice (Soloist), William Wallace (Piper), Brian Houston (Flautist) and Choral Group – Sarah, Jessica and Eleanor.
This ‘not to be missed’ event promises to be a great evening of entertainment and everyone will be made most welcome. A retiring collection will be taken for church funds.
Willowfield Christmas Fair
Breakfast for sale from 9.00am. Craft stalls, tea, coffee and hot cocoa. Bottle stall, cakes and groceries, books, bric–a–brac, Santa Claus, face painting, games, cake weigh and much more! 9.30am – 12.00pm in Willowfield Church, 149 My Lady’s Road Belfast, Down BT6 8FE. 50p entrance charge
Alpha end of Year of Prayer in Ireland
In 2011, Alpha Northern Ireland partnered with 24/7 Prayer to facilitate a Year of Prayer throughout all of Ireland called What If.
It has been an absolutely amazing journey with over 150 new prayer rooms started all over Ireland and thousands of people gathering together to pray for God’s kingdom to come in their lives, cities and towns.
To celebrate the end of the year, Alpha Northern Ireland invites you to join them on Saturday 3rd December 2011 at Lisburn Cathedral for their final gathering.
Pete Greig (author of Red Moon Rising and one of the founding champions of the 24/7 Prayer movement) is going to be leading and it is going to be an amazing opportunity to gather to pray, worship and seek God as a nation. This is one not to be missed!
Irish Church Missions Southern Supporters’ Meeting
‘Outreach in Ireland today’
Speakers: Brendan and Carinne Meyrink and Cormac Walsh,
ICM Mission Partners in Ballina, Co. Mayo
Date: 2011-12-10
Start: 14.00
Cost: Admission free.
Venue: ICM, 28 Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1
Church of Ireland Theological Institute Advent Carol Service
It is that time again! Before you get snowed under, the Revd Dr Maurice Elliott and the staff and students of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute would like to invite you to join them for a Service of Advent Carols on Wednesday 7 December 2011 @ 7.00pm in St Nahi’s Church Taney.
This year’s Advent Carol Service with the choir of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute takes place on Wednesday 7 December at 7 p.m at St Nahi’s Church, Taney (below the Luas line, beside Dundrum Library), followed by seasonal refreshments at the Institute. CNI readers are invited bring along family and friends – for both the service and the refreshments afterwards in the Institute.
ICM appeal for clothes for homeless
Each Tuesday evening at 7.00pm, the Irish Church Missions at 28 Bachelors’ Walk in Dublin serve a hot meal to the homeless in the city. With the winter drawing in, many of the homeless men have been asking for spare clothes, such as underwear, trousers, shirts, pullovers, warm coats and even sleeping blankets. The ICM is appealing to all church congregations to ask if they can provide clothes for the needy this winter.
Rectors can ring the ICM office (01–8730829) when arrangements to collect or take delivery of any donated clothes can be made.
For further details of the Irish Church Missions, see www.icm–