Canon Gregory Dunstan to be Dean of Armagh

The Archbishop of Armagh has appointed the Revd Canon Gregory Dunstan to be the next Dean of Armagh in succession to the Rt Revd Patrick Rooke.

Canon Dunstan has been rector of St Matthew’s, Shankill, Belfast, since 1993 and was elected to the chapter canonry of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin in 2007.

Archbishop Harper said, ‘I am delighted that Canon Dunstan has accepted my invitation to become the next Dean of Armagh and Keeper of the Armagh Public Library. The new dean is a person of great spiritual gifts with quiet devotion to pastoral ministry. He also combines liturgical and musical insights with an appreciation of sacred space and expertise in the care of ancient buildings in their landscape setting. Gregory Dunstan is well known for his contribution to reconciliation in partnership with leaders of other Christian traditions. I welcome him joyfully to the Hill of Armagh.’

Canon Dunstan said, ‘As one of the historic centres of Christianity in Ireland, Armagh has enormous resonance for people throughout the island. In inviting me to be Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, the Archbishop has done me a great honour and entrusted me with a great responsibility. After eighteen happy and fulfilling years in St Matthew’s, this will be a new departure. I look forward to ministry with the whole Cathedral community in Armagh, to the developing partnership with the Catholic Cathedral, and to the contribution both cathedrals make to the life of the city.’