Canon John Stafford

Yesterday Friday 19th June the family of Canon John Stafford gathered at Downpatrick Cathedral for a service of thanksgiving for his life. John passed away after a long illness.

John was a devoted priest and gave a lifetime of service to the church he loved. His ministry touched the lives of many.

He was ordained to serve as the curate-assistant in Warrenpoint. Then for a time he served in the Bush Brotherhood ministry to sparsely settled rural districts of Australia. In 1964 he returned to the Church of Ireland to work in Downpatrick Cathedral and it was there that he met his wife Moira McMurray. They were married in Saul Church.

From 1968 John served in St Martin’s, Ballymacarrett. This challenging time saw him working to hold on to peace and to build mutual understanding at a time of rising tension and conflict in that area.

He was appointed Rector of Bright, Ballee and Killough in 1973. A place of very happy childhood memories for John and Moira’s children Stephen and Lois who commented, “For my brother and I, growing up in Bright Rectory was a wonderful start in life.”

John was appointed Bishop’s Curate of the new Christ Church, Primacy Bangor. His role there was to establish a new congregation: “Dad and Mum enjoyed building up the Primacy and we saw what a great team they made.”

Lois looks back: “In 1992 Dad became Rector of Urney Parish, Sion Mills, which he loved and when Mum died in 1995 he was helped through such a sad and heartbreaking time by the wonderful parishioners.”

John retired in 1998 to Bangor.

A good and faithful servant who walked humbly with his God.