Central financial allocations

Annual budget proposals accepted by Standing Committee.

Mr. Wilfred Baker presented the report of the Standing Committee Budget Subcommittee, which was drawn up in the light of continuing pressures on central finances and therefore included substantial trimming of requests from various submissions, in line with the likely availability of funds in the future.

Following detailed discussion and consideration the report was noted and the recommendations as amended were adopted to be forwarded to the Representative Church Body Allocations Committee.

Standing Committee approved a grant of €3,500 and €2,225 be made from the Royalties Fund to the Internet Committee to cover the hosting support of the Church of Ireland website for 2012, that a grant of €2000 be made to the Liturgical Advisory Committee towards the ongoing development of electronic liturgy for 2012; and that a grant of €2,000 be provided for Liturgical Advisory Committee to enable its ongoing work for 2012.