Choral Evensong tomorrow Weds 9th May on BBC3

Live from Truro Cathedral, including the first broadcast of a new composition commissioned for the Choirbook for the Queen, a collection of contemporary anthems, published to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen.

Responses: Clucas

Office Hymn: Jesus shall reign (Truro)

Psalms: 47, 48, 49 (Bamby, Goss, Camidge)

First Lesson: Hosea 13 vv4-14

The Truro Evening Canticles (Philip Stopford)

Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15 vv50-end

Anthems: Church Music (Julian Philips) (first broadcast – Choirbook for the Queen)

Ave Maris Stella (James MacMillan)

Final Hymn: The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St Clement)

Organ Voluntary: Magna voce cane et magno cum jubilo (David Bednall)

Christopher Gray (Director of Music)

Luke Bond (Assistant Director of Music)

(rpt Sun 13th May)

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Choral Evensong is aired twice weekly – live at 3.30pm on Wednesday and repeated at 4pm Sunday. Choral Evensong was first broadcast on Thursday 7 October 1926 live from Westminster Abbey and has been broadcast weekly on BBC Radio ever since.