Church of Scotland votes to lift ban on gay ministers

A ban on gay ministers was lifted by the Church of Scotland yesterday by a vote of 351 to 294.

The ban was brought in two years ago after traditionalists tried to block the appointment of gay minister the Rev Scott Rennie in Aberdeen.

At the start of the debate, newly appointed Moderator the Rev David Abbot said: “It is no exaggeration to say that it is not just the eyes of the Church that are on us today but the eyes of the world.”

A report on the issue said the Church were “divided” by the issue of ordaining people in same-sex relationships.

The Very Rev Dr Findlay Macdonald supported the move to lift the ban.
He said: “We affirm the word of God but we must also be open to new directions.”

Yesterday, the Church agreed to set up a new commission to prepare a report on various theological issues linked to the subject to be brought before the assembly in 2013.

After the publication of this report, the Church will discuss the subject again.
The lifting of the ban comes despite warnings that the Church could lose whole congregations if they approved appointing gay clergy.

The Rev Scott Rennie, 37, is currently at Brechin Cathedral. He had the support of the majority of the congregation at Queen’s Cross in Aberdeen and the presbytery.

But the move sparked strong protest from traditionalist members which rippled across the world, with more than 12000 Christians from as far afield as Africa and the US signing an online petition against the appointment.

There had been concern that the vote could cause a split in the Church. Much of the four-hour debate was hemmed in by detailed legal discussion of Church procedural law amid claims from the floor of “a fudge”.

The gathered commissioners at the supreme court meeting of the Church of Scotland heard how left handed people were once considered “not normal”, how in Roman times faithful homosexual relationships were accepted, and how the Kirk had previously changed its mind over controversial issues such as its stance on female ministers.

Mr Rennie said last night: “The same talk was about when women were ordained and I think that argument suits those that don’t want any change.”

He said there are “many” gay ministers in the Church and rejected claims that his sexuality contradicts bible teachings.

“We don’t stone women, we don’t stone adulterers, we’ve moved on from that,” he said. “The living word is Jesus and I think the question is, what would Jesus have done?”

Mr Rennie, who was married and has a child, was appointed minister of Brechin in Angus 10 years ago. The controversy erupted after 12 members from Aberdeen presbytery, none of whom are members of Queen’s Cross, raised complaints over the appointment. One in five members of Kirk sessions have said they would leave if it was agreed that gay ministers can be ordained, while one in 10 have said they would leave if the Kirk ruled they could not be ordained.

Stonewall Scotland welcomed the General Assembly’s decision to allow gay and lesbian ministers.

Carl Watt, director of the charity, said: “We hope today’s decision signals the start of the Kirk demonstrating a commitment to fairness, equality and dignity on this issue.

“Our research has shown that people of faith are no more likely to be prejudiced towards gay people and same-sex relationships than anyone else.

“Reverend Scott Rennie was inducted as the first openly gay minister in the Church of Scotland two years ago in the face of strong opposition from some quarters – yet supported by his own Aberdeen congregation.

He added: “Although we await further decisions from the assembly and details on the next steps, we hope that in 30 years’ time this will be regarded as a storm in a teacup.”