Cross Community hub approved for Manorhamilton

Photo above – Ian Pudney, Rhatigan Architects, Reverend Captain Richard Beadle, Manorhamilton Steering Committee, Suzanne Duffy LCC, Paul Gallagher, Clyhore construction and Albert Dawson, Manor PEACE

As part of the Leitrim County PEACE IV Action plan an application was made to the PEACE IV programme to refurbish and extend the Sexton’s House in Manorhamilton to create a Cross Community/ Community Relations Hub.

The Leitrim PEACE IV Partnership are delighted to announce that the Special EU Programmes Body have approved this proposal and contracts were signed recently with the successful contractor, Clyhore Construction.

This project represents an investment of just over €290,000 into a community hub for Manorhamilton.

The refurbishment and extension of the current Sextons House building will include a kitchen/common room, a large multipurpose hall, store room, and reception area.

Final designs for the project were completed by Rhatigan Architects who will also be supervising the project, on behalf of the council.

It is a significant gesture of goodwill by the Church of Ireland Vestry in Manorhamilton who have agreed to sign over the building to a Steering Group for 25 years to be used as a community shared space.

Projects within the Peace IV Shared Space and Services theme aim to create a more cohesive society through new shared civic spaces. The funding focuses on promoting reconciliation, understanding of diversity and good relations throughout the county.

Cathaoirleach Enda McGloin welcomed the funding and acknowledged the work of the Leitrim PEACE IV Partnership on their work in bringing this project to this stage.

For more information on contact on (071) 9620005 or email [peace@leitrimcoco.ie]

Reported by The Leitrim Observer, October 24, 2019
