Derry and Raphoe in historic cross-border volunteering project

Celebration at Parliament Buildings, Belfast, of one of the largest cross-border volunteering projects ever

A special event is to be held in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Belfast Feb 25th to celebrate a unique volunteering programme run in partnership by Voluntary Arts Ireland, the Church of Ireland diocese of Derry and Raphoe, the GAA and City Church Belfast.

Volunteering in Sports, Arts and Faith Based Organisations, funded by the Department for Social Development (NI) and the Department for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (RoI) has been running since 2008 and proved to be a great success promoting volunteer work throughout Ireland.

With a combination of over 300,000 registered volunteers between the four organisations, this is one of the largest cross-border volunteering projects ever undertaken.

One of the keys to the success of the programme has been the unique partnership between four very different organisations with one similar goal – to highlight the work of volunteers and encourage others to get involved.

The project to date has not only found new ways to attract and support volunteers; it has helped empower voluntary groups by signposting relevant information and support including best practice models, volunteer management qualifications and relevant legislation.

The project seeks to continue this by showcasing success stories of high-quality voluntary activities across sports, arts and faith, which will inspire and promote individuals, and encourage volunteering bodies, and sharing this learning across the whole volunteering sector.
Living Together Giving Together – A Celebration of Volunteering in Sports, Arts and Faith-based Organisations is a special ceremony to highlight the achievements and success of the project.

There will be a range of VIPs in attendance with opening remarks from Minister for Social Development Alex Attwood and contributions from guests including Peter Jenkinson OBE and Trevor Ringland. In a very innovative move, those attending will be given an opportunity to vote on key questions on the impact of volunteering:
•    We don’t need to invest in volunteering, do we? It’s freely given and costs nothing
•    We are not competing for volunteers; we need to be making partnerships in unexpected places
•    In present times of greater social and economic need, volunteering can only scratch the surface.

For more details about the speakers and panellists visit the Voluntary Arts Ireland website www.vaireland.org. The results of the votes from the celebration will be available to view on the website soon after the event.