Derry Cathedral musical events and major service

There will be a major service on St Columba’s Day and two concerts during May and June.

The Altnagelvin Hospital Choir Spring Concert will be held in the cathedral on the evening of Saturday, May 7. Further details are available from the Cathedral. Telephone –02871267313

The New York Salvation Army Band will be visiting Northern Ireland at the end of May/beginning of June and they hope to play and sing in the Cathedral on June 1. Further details–telephone–02 it 71267313

A major Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication is planned for St.Columba’s Day, June 9, at 7:30pm. This is to mark the extensive restoration work which has been completed on the interior of the Cathedral. Good progress is also being made with a number of outdoor projects like the refurbishment of the car park, and the resurfacing of the Avenue together with construction of new toilets on the ground floor of the Cecil Francis Alexander music room.