Dozens of grants help C of E churches make essential repairs

Grants for essential repair works have been handed to 39 Anglican parishes across the UK.

Up to £5,000 is being provided to each project by the Church Buildings Council and the Wolfson Foundation.

The funds will contribute towards renovation projects, from re-roofing, to repair works to towers and parapets, to improvements to drainage and rain disposal.

The grants are a much needed boost to small parishes that often struggle to meet the costs of maintaining their ageing buildings.

Of its 16,000 churches, the Church of England has the care of over 4,000 Grade I listed buildings – 45% of the total number listed at that level nationally. Another 4,000 churches are listed as Grade II.
John Gratton summed up his delight on behalf of Timberscombe Parochial Church Council: “Our sheer delight, from the churchwardens and the PCC, on receiving your news was overwhelming. This grant has made such a difference to our small church.”
Simon Fourmy, Director of Grants at the Wolfson Foundation, said the grants would help preserve the buildings for future generations.

“These are remarkable buildings, both architecturally and historically, and are much loved by their communities,” he said.

“We are delighted to be helping preserve them for future generations.”

Although the grants may seem small in comparison to the total cost of repairs, they can mean the difference between closing a building and keeping it open and accessible.
The Rev Tony Redman is the Church Buildings Council member charged with overseeing the Church Fabric Repairs sub-committee.

He said: “As an inspecting surveyor for a number of churches, I have first-hand experience of the positive effect that a Wolfson Foundation Grant has for parishes.

“Both the Church Buildings Council and The Wolfson Foundation can be confident that the applications we have assessed will enable the churches to continue to make a significant contribution to the wider communities which they serve, especially where fund raising has proved particularly difficult in these recessionary times.”

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