Dromore group nominated for ‘Pride of Place’ award

Dromore group, Via Wings, has been nominated by Banbridge District Council for a national Pride of Place Award in recognition of its outstanding work in the community.

Birthed out of Dromore Cathedral in 2009, Via Wings helps those in greatest need in the community and has witnessed an ever–increasing demand for its services. Judges from Co–operation Ireland have visited the charity to learn about the positive impact their work has had on local people.

Bishop Harold Miller was also present at the nomination ceremony with some of the group’s members : Cheryl McGrath, Sue Johnston, Gail Redmond and Anita Johnston).

Via Wings has three key areas of work, each making a significant contribution to improving the physical and mental wellbeing of those who avail of its services. The ‘House of Hope’ works primarily with children with autism and women, seeking to offer a safe environment where issues such as depression, low self–esteem and isolation can be addressed.

‘Dare 2 Care’ supports people living in poverty in the community, ensuring those most in need have access to food and heating. The group also supports special fundraising projects which promote the wellbeing of disadvantaged individuals. For example, it helped raise money to provide a sensory room for a child with disabilities.

Pride of Place is an all–island competition which is directed towards recognising improvements by local communities to create civic pride in their area. The competition focus is on people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their area and groups have the unique opportunity to showcase specific pride initiatives which will have long lasting and positive impacts on their society.