Falconer report on euthanasia ‘biased and flawed’

“Care Not Killing” is extremely critical.

Care not Killing’s press release stated: This investigation was unnecessary, biased and lacking in transparency and its report is seriously flawed. It is being spun as a comprehensive, objective and independent review into this complicated issue. It is anything but.

“This private commission was sponsored by Dignity in Dying, formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, and financed by one of their patrons, with panel members being handpicked by Lord Falconer, a leading advocate of changing the law.”

More of the release at:

Read also:
1.   Assisted suicide report from Falconer’s stacked commission is worthless by John Smeaton, SPUC

2.  Church of England calls assisted suicide plan morally unacceptable by Martin Beckford, Telegraph

3.  Lord Falconer and his sham Commission that could lead to 13,000 deaths a year by Dr Peter Saunders, Mailonline

4.  Disability charity Scope responds to assisted dying report