Faraday Institute Course in Belfast: An Introduction to Science and Religion

Union Theological College, Belfast: June 24-26, 2011

Aim of Course
This short weekend course is for busy people who would like to obtain a broad introductory overview of the science-religion debate from leading spcialists in the field, covering topics such as the ‘conflict model’ of the science-faith relationship, how the debate is perceived in the media, how religious beliefs might be justified in the light of science, and the issue of miracles. The impact of particular sciences such as modern cosmology and neuroscience on faith will also be addressed, as will ‘animal theology’. There will be plenty of opportunity for interactions with speakers during the periods set aside for questions and discussion.

Speakers (listed in alphabetical order) and topics
•    Prof. Dame Ingrid Allen : The Neuroscience Correlates of Religious Faith and Practice
•    Dr William Crawley : A Media Perspective on Science-Religion Issues
•    Revd Dr Rodney Holder FIMA FRAS: Science and the Justification of Religious Belief
•    Prof. David Livingstone OBE FBA: The Demise of the Conflict Model in Science and Religion?
•    Prof. Tom Millar : Multiple Universes, One Faith
•    Revd Dr Scott Peddie : Animal Theology
•    Prof. Stephen Williams : The Day the Sun Stood Still: Biblical Miracles and Modern Science

The Course will be held at Union Theological College, Belfast.

Application Form
Check out the Faraday Institute’s website for a Course Application Form and on-line submission.

Course Fees for Faraday Insitute Course in Belfast
Fees shown are an all-inclusive package that includes: all meals, including a gala dinner (with wine); accommodation; the course itself; and incidentals such as refreshments during breaks. The package fee is discounted according to circumstances:
•    Category A = £70 (full-time students, graduate or undergraduate)
•    Category B = £90 (University Post Docs within 5 years of PhD)
•    Category C = £135 (standard)
Some rooms will have ensuite facilities, while others will share bathrooms.

Fees for Belfast residents who require the meals and course package without the accommodation are as follows:
•    Category A = £40 (Full-Time Students, graduate or undergraduate)
•    Category B = £50 (University Post Docs within 5 years of PhD)
•    Category C = £75 (Standard)

Further information can be obtained by accessing the Faraday Institute’s website at: http://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/faraday/