The Bishop of London is encouraging churches to celebrate the season of Creationtime by focusing on the role of food in God’s creation and everyday lives.
Resources have been put together by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland for group or individual use during the season, which runs from September 1 to October 4.
They cover a range of themes around sustainable living, including diet, trade-justice, animal welfare, sharing and agriculture. Additional creation resources, especially for harvest festivals, are available in The Church of England’s Common Worship: Times and Seasons.
The Rt Rev Richard Chartres, chair of Shrinking the Footprint, the Church of England’s national environment campaign said: “Human beings, according to the Book of Genesis, are to ‘till and keep’ the earth.
“This balance between preserving and developing the creation is reflected in the thanksgiving of the Church for our daily bread as ‘fruit of the earth and work of human hands’.
“The prayer of thanksgiving transforms the fruits of creation into gifts of divine love and Creationtime is a season for contemplating this wonderful mystery.”
PRAY2DAY on this site will carry devotional materials on this theme from September 18 − 24