Gay activist backs Christian free speech

The man whose landmark legal challenge forced the UK to decriminalise homosexuality in Northern Ireland three decades ago has voiced his concerns over gay rights.

The News Letter reports: Jeff Dudgeon’s 1981 case at the European Court of Human Rights set world-wide precedents for legalising same-sex relationships.

In an interview with the News Letter following the release of previously classified 1981 government files relating to the case, the former civil servant said he feared that the media was now “afraid” to pursue difficult stories involving gay people lest they were accused of homophobia.

“I’m concerned that there is a nervousness in the media now to take on issues relating to gay people or other protected species. That does concern me,” he said.

“You can’t even make an off-remark without losing your job. I think it’s a danger – but this probably always happens when minorities become emancipated.”

The south Belfast man received a phone call from Ulster Unionist leader Tom Elliott to congratulate him on his recent New Years Honours List MBE – awarded for “services to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in Northern Ireland”.

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