Carmelite honour for Dean of York Minster; Mission to Seafarer’s Secretary General dies at 43; ‘Arrogant’ Cameron take heed; Bishops’ letter in response to the gay marriage debate
Carmelite honour for Dean of York Minster
ICN – The Carmelite Order has granted its highest honour to the Dean of York Minster on the occasion of his retirement. On Sunday, 29 April members of the Carmelite Family in York, on behalf of the Prior General in Rome, presented ‘Letters of Fraternity’ to Very Reverend Keith Jones. It is the first time that such ‘honorary membership’ of the Carmelite Order has been given to someone who is not a member of the Roman Catholic Church. As Dean of York since 2004, Keith Jones has welcomed all people of good will to make use of the Minster and its facilities. Though an Anglican place of worship since the Protestant Reformation, York Minster today welcomes Christians of every denomination. The Dean has been particularly hospitable and friendly to the Carmelite Order, which has held large liturgies and small pilgrimages in the cathedral in recent years. Keith Jones has spoken to York Carmelite Spirituality Group about St Thérèse of Lisieux to whom he has a strong personal devotion, and under his leadership the Minster has collaborated with the Carmelites and other ecumenical partners in co-sponsoring the Ebor Lectures on Theology and Public Life.
Mission to Seafarer’s Secretary General dies at 43
The Mission to Seafarers has announced with deep regret and great sadness that the death has occured of its Secretary General, the Revd Tom Heffer. Mr Heffer, 43, was appointed the charity’s 15th international leader in 2009 following eight years as director of chaplaincy.
‘Arrogant’ Cameron take heed
Daily Express – Ann Widdecombe – In the acres of coverage which followed Nadine Dorries’ description of the PM and his chancellor as two posh, arrogant boys, the emphasis has been on the posh. Of the two adjectives in question that is by far the less important.
It really does not matter a halfpenny that David Cameron is wealthy. I do not want a PM who worries about money when he should be concentrating on running the country and I certainly do not want a PM who uses Downing Street – as the Blairs did so blatantly – to become rich.
So Mr Cameron’s background is a plus. It is also a plus that he went to Eton and Oxford because that means our PM had the best education this country could offer.
[…] One of the characteristics of arrogance is to regard your own supporters as nuisances. Whoever is advising the PM should point out that although he no longer needs the small donations, jumble sales and coffee mornings of his supporters because the party is now funded by big donors he still needs their votes.
So dismissing out of hand, without any indication that he understands, the strength of feeling that is causing loyal Conservatives to walk away because they are appalled by the proposals to redefine marriage is storing up trouble for the future.
Bishops’ letter in response to the gay marriage debate
Eastern Daily Press – A letter written by the Rt Rev Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Alan Winton, Bishop of Thetford, and the Rt Rev Jonathan Meyrick, Bishop of Lynn, in response to the government’s gay marriage consultation.
Dear Colleague,
The current Government consultation on the introduction of same sex marriage presupposes the desirability of a change in the law. Marriage would be redefined as a union of two persons rather than being confined to a man and a woman. This letter considers some issues arising from the consultation.
The Government consultation document is available on line at
The closing date for the consultation is 14th June and religious organisations are among those specifically invited to respond. There is likely to be an official response from the Church of England through the Archbishops’ Council but individuals and local churches may well wish to respond separately.
The consultation document says very little about marriage itself and does not seek to define it. Nevertheless, it does speak of civil marriage and religious marriage as if these were two entirely separate concepts. The Government has made it clear that the only option for same sex marriage will be in a civil ceremony whether at a Register Office or on approved premises. There is no provision for the Church of England (or any other church or religious denomination for that matter) to solemnise marriage for same sex couples in church. While this is intended to protect the conscience of those unable to celebrate a same-sex marriage, it may create an unhealthy and damaging division between civil marriage and marriages solemnized on religious
Gay marriage backing will cost you seats, Prime Minister told
Daily Express – David Cameron was warned recently against ignoring the views of his party’s traditional backers.
The warning came after a poll suggested his support for gay marriage could cost the Tories between eight and 30 seats in a general election.
The survey was for the Coalition For Marriage, which campaigns against same-sex couples marrying on equal terms to heterosexuals.
Opposition was very strong among people who voted Tory in 2010 but are intending to support other parties.
Thirty-two per cent of this group said plans to allow gay marriage made them less likely to vote Conservative.
Opposition to gay marriage is also strong among older voters, who are more likely than young people to turn out on polling day. Andrew Hawkins, chairman of ComRes polling company, which carried out the research, said the Conservatives must win back disaffected 2010 voters in order to succeed at an election.