General Synod – news brief 2

Standing Committee highlights; Review of Episcopal Committee Ministry

Standing Committee highlights
The report of Standing Committee was presented by Archdeacon Ricky Roundtree and seconded by Mrs Hilary McClay.
The Archdeacon highlighted three areas:
(i) the impact of the adverse financial situation.
(ii) The Committee’s facilitating of the Bishops’ Conference on human sexuality.
(iii) The commemoration of historic anniversaries.

Mrs McClay highlighted:
(i) The Bishops’ Appeal which is celebrating its 40th anniversary.
(ii)The Priorities Fund.
(iii)Parish Development – Church 21.

The Bishops Appeal and the Priorities Fund, said Mrs McClay, channelled “a significant amount of money… to where the greatest needs are, and to where the money will make a real difference – and where mission is at the heart of the agenda”. This was very encouraging particularly at a time of recession and rising costs, she commented.

Review of Episcopal Ministry

The purpose of this review which was proposed to Synod was to “energise episcopal ministry”, and to look at why we have bishops and what they are for. Episcopal boundar changes had been made in 1976 in Limerick and Killaloe, and in 1977 when Cashel & Ossory were united. The 1998 Episcopal commission’s report which was accepted by General Synod had been rejected by some diocesan synods.