Christian Aid joins Churches Together in England’s day of prayer for Coronavirus crisis

Christian Aid is calling on its supporters and sponsoring denominations to join a National Day of Prayer and Action for the Coronavirus crisis.

The international development organisation is urging Christians to join in the national day initiated by Churches Together in England (CTE), which is encouraging people to light a candle at 7pm this Mothering Sunday (22 March) to symbolise hope in the midst of the pandemic.

A statement from CTE said: “We would pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the Covid-19 virus, for those working in health and social care, and especially for the most vulnerable, whether elderly or those with underlying health conditions.”

Christian Aid is the official relief and development agency of 41 Christian church denominations in the UK and Ireland, and works to support sustainable development, eradicate poverty, support civil society and provide disaster relief in 37 countries around the world.

CEO Amanda Khozi Mukwashi said: “If infection rates start to develop as they are in Europe, then people in poorer countries will be hit even harder. Many are already living with reduced health resilience because of extreme poverty, or in overcrowded humanitarian camps and in countries which do not have the healthcare infrastructures needed to combat widespread disease. We will be working on the ground to help prepare communities to limit the impact of Covid-19. Please pray for us in this vital work, and support us where you can by making an online donation.

“We are praying for all those affected by this new virus, both in Britain and overseas, for all those working on the frontline and for wisdom for our leaders. We would encourage everyone to light a candle of hope and join in Churches Together in England’s national day of prayer this weekend.

“The global Church has rallied together in prayer through many a crisis over centuries. While this pandemic presents is with a crisis the likes of which none of us has seen in our lifetimes and understandably causes fear and anxiety, we cling to the hope found in an everlasting God who remains with us through it all.”

For more information, visit Churches Together in England’s website here –
[[] https://www.cte.org.uk/Publisher/Article.aspx?ID=569010 ]
