Ian Paisley retires from preaching

For the man who has had more farewells than Frank Sinatra, the Reverend Ian Paisley last night marked his retirement from the pulpit.

The Belfast Telegraph reports today: The 85-year-old former DUP leader, North Antrim MP and Northern Ireland First Minister has already taken a back seat in the political arena.

Last night 2,500 people attended a special service at the Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church on the Ravenhill Road in Belfast to mark his farewell after more than 60 years as a pastor and church moderator.

Guests at the service included Stormont Health Minister Edwin Poots and DUP MP William McCrea, who sang a solo. Ian Paisley’s wife, Eileen, their five children, ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren also attended.

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/wellwishers-mark-ian-paisleys-retirement-from-the-pulpit-16110166.html#ixzz1kjabDm2s