Archbishop Michael Jackson has written to school communities
As schools in the Republic embarked on their on their mid–term break (October 23), Archbishop Michael Jackson has written to school communities in the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough.
He has praised schools for their response to the crisis which he described as professional, kindly and dutiful to the many measures of public safety required to ensure that schools remain open. He thanked all who have worked to keep schools open and functioning positively over the past two months.
“The whole school community has played its part and put its shoulder to the wheel. You have all responded to fresh needs. You have all kept alive existing expectations. You have all reacted appropriately to crises as they have emerged. You have all shown care and sensitivity in situations of anxiety and tension. If ever people were in this together, this can truly be said of school communities. The challenges that you face are significant. You have addressed them magnificently. For all of this I thank you,” he wrote.
He said that students will never forget what school communities have done during this time of uncertainty and anxiety.
The text of the Archbishop’s letter is below:
Dear members of school communities in the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough,
As of midnight on Wednesday October 21st the whole country has moved to Level 5 of current Restrictions. Since opening for the autumn term, schools have responded professionally, kindly and dutifully to the many measures of Public Safety that are now required of us to ensure that schools are and remain open. I wish to thank all of you who are members of the school community at every point and at every level for keeping schools open and functioning positively over the past two months. For all of you, it will indeed have seemed a lot longer and this is entirely understandable.
The whole school community has played its part and put its shoulder to the wheel. You have all responded to fresh needs. You have all kept alive existing expectations. You have all reacted appropriately to crises as they have emerged. You have all shown care and sensitivity in situations of anxiety and tension. If ever people were in this together, this can truly be said of school communities. The challenges that you face are significant. You have addressed them magnificently. For all of this I thank you. Those challenges continue to be with us for the foreseeable future.
The approaching half–term is an opportunity to find some rest and refreshment. It is very important that each of you uses the next few days to give yourselves relief and respite from the gruelling week on week effort that has gone into keeping your school open and flourishing. As we live in hope that schools will continue to operate, I too hope that you will find scope for different activities and for no activity in the week ahead. The period leading to Christmas is often a happy time in the cycle of the school year. I know that you will make every possible effort to make it such for the students and pupils in your care. Please do not forget yourselves in all of this either.
The values of kindness and dedication that you have all shown are an example of citizenship and humanity in action. The students will never forget this nor will they ever forget the pivotal role you have played in their education at what is arguably the most sustained period of uncertainty and anxiety of our generation. I wish once again to thank you for all you are and all you do in these uncharted times when, more than ever, there is need of stable community and flourishing relationships for students of all types and not least for those who live their lives with difficulty and with disability. I wish to thank all staff, parents and guardians for the part you play along with everyone involved in management and support roles.
May God protect and uphold us and all others in these days,
Yours sincerely,