Lady Eames speaks to WI about MU; Connor’s marathon effort; Fintona’s 50th Anniversary, Cashel & Ossory Diocesan Festival Service
MU at the WI
Lady Christine Eames. former World President of the Mother’s Union, was a “missionary” to the WI recently when she spoke to the 26th Annual Meeting of the Lisnagarvey Area in Christ Church Halls.
Lady Eames spoke on the importance of family and friends. She emphasised the value of friendship and how members in the Women’s Institute know how important friendship is.
She shared stories from her experiences of representing the Mother’s Union abroad as World President, of the many friends she had made but also the poverty she witnessed. “Friendships will stand to us”, she said “have the courage to make new friends”.
Speaking also on community she reminded the ladies that the community belongs to each one of us and that we have enormously important responsibility to make it the best it can be.
Area Chairperson Anne Hunter (Derriaghy WI) opened the meeting by welcoming members and extending a warm welcome Lady Eames.
Another marathon effort by Connor MU!
While some were basking in the sun on the May Day Bank Holiday, members of Connor Mothers’ Union were once again pounding the streets of Belfast. The members took part in the Belfast Marathon Walk on Monday May 2. The marathon is in its 30th year, and attracted more than 21,000 members, and the walk has now become an annual fixture on the Connor MU calendar.The Connor MU ladies successfully completed the 11 mile route, raising funds for MU projects.The Connor team was made up of Moira Thom, Liz Wallace, Rena Lindsay, Roslyn Graham, Jean McDonald and Kathleen Rodgers.
Fintona MU’s 50th Anniversary
Recently Fintona MU branch in Clogher diocese celebrated its 50th Anniversary.
The Branch was formed on 19 April 1961 when the Rev Canon W R J Whitcroft was Rector. His wife Mrs Mary Whitcroft was the first Enrolling Member. The first meeting was held in what was then the Old School at Castletown. The first secretary was Mrs Mona Elizabeth Duncan who continued in office until the time of her death. The MU Banner was presented by her husband Mr William Duncan, in her memory.
Enrolling members to date: Mrs Mary Whitcroft, Mrs Sheila McGirr, Mrs Patricia Hay and Mrs Geraldine Beattie. Secretaries to date are Mrs Mona Duncan, Mrs Thelma Loan, Mrs Marjorie Rutledge and Mrs Geraldine Beattie. Mrs Hay was Diocesan Treasurer from 1983-1994 and Diocesan Vice President 1998.
The Branch Banner depicts the white dove representing the Holy Spirit over the Mother and Child, surrounded by white lilies underneath which is a scroll with the name “Donacavey Parish” and the Mothers Union Logo. The speaker was the All-Ireland MU President, Mrs Ruth Mercer. The branch was also glad to welcome Mrs Helen Parry, MU President of the Isle of Man, who was visiting Mrs Mercer. There was then a celebration meal served in the parochial hall. The cake was baked and iced by Mrs Patricia Hay and Mrs Irene Booth.
Cashel & Ossory Diocesan Festival Service
Will be held on Wed 18th May in St Peter’s Church Mountrath – 7.30 p.m.