Irish news

Two Derry homes to be focus of historical abuse hearings; Issues of Gender and Inter Faith Dialogue to be Explored at Limerick Seminar; TV presenter Lynda Bryans to speak on depression; New parish web site launched

Two Derry homes to be focus of historical abuse hearings

Two Londonderry homes runs by the Sisters of Nazareth will be the focus of the first public hearings of the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry.

BBC News NI – Allegations of abuse at St Joseph’s Home, Termonbacca, and Nazareth House Children’s Home in Bishop Street will be considered in January.

Statements from alleged victims from the homes will be heard when inquiry members visit Australia this month.

Another visit to Australia next year will hear about other institutions.

Last month it was revealed that of the 355 individuals who have applied to speak to the inquiry so far, 57 are from Australia.

The inquiry is examining the extent of child abuse in the Catholic church and state-run institutions in Northern Ireland.

It is due to report to the Northern Ireland Executive in 2016.
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Issues of Gender and Inter Faith Dialogue to be Explored at Limerick Seminar
Issues of gender and inter faith dialogue will be explored at a seminar in Limerick in October. The event, organised by the Church of Ireland’s Inter Faith Working Group, will be held in Mary Immaculate College on the afternoon of Thursday 17 October.

Entitled “Building the Common Household” the seminar will examine the ways in which the gender of those engaged in inter faith dialogue impacts on their involvement. It will also look at some of the issues which affect both women’s participation in dialogue, and also men’s engagement with women of other faiths. Finally, the seminar will ask how all those involved in dialogue can work together to build a “Common Household.”

Among the speakers will be the Revd Bonnie Evans-Hills. Ms. Evans-Hills is Interfaith Adviser to the Bishop of Leicester and assistant curate in the Parish of Saint Peter & Saint Paul, Oadby. She has considerable experience in Muslim-Christian dialogue, focusing in particular on dialogue with Shi’a Islam following a period of three years’ study in Qum, Iran.

There will also be a panel of contributors from the Mid-West Interfaith Network. The group was founded in May 2010 with the aim of building understanding between members of different faith traditions and creating bonds of friendship and mutual understanding. Its members represent the diverse faith groups in Limerick and its environs including the Catholic, Anglican, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Baha’i and Zoroastrian traditions among others.

The attendance fee (including a light lunch and tea/coffee) is £20 or €25. Students may attend free of charge. The fee can be paid by cash or cheque on the day but those wishing to attend should register in advance with the Revd Darren McCallig by email mccalld@tcd.ie or by telephone 353(0)1 896 1402.

The seminar will be held in Room G10 on the ground floor of Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. It will begin with lunch at 1.00pm and conclude at 5.30pm. Limited parking will be available on the campus.

TV presenter Lynda Bryans to speak on depression

Lynda Bryans, the well–known radio and television presenter will speak at the Monday evening healing service organised by Divine Healing Ministries in St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast on September 30 at 8.00 pm.

Her theme will be, “Dealing with Depression through Faith”. Lynda has had experience of this illness in the past. Worship will be led by the music group of West Church Bangor, and personal prayer for healing and anointing with oil will be available for those who wish to receive it.

New parish web site launched

St Columba’s new parish website was launched on Sunday 1 September during the 10.30 am All Age Worship service. The congregation received a very comprehensive presentation of the site’s navigation and features from webmaster Ivan Roche.

“During the summer months our Ivan redesigned the website so that key information could be easily accessed,” said the rector, Revd John Auchmuty. “This will be of great benefit to parishioners and also to those who have moved into our local community and are considering joining St. Columba’s. It is also an important part of our preparations for the Year of Mission 2015.”

Visit the site at www.coiknock.org