Irish news

Bray Narnia Festival; Launch of Lenten study resource; Down MU Diocesan President commissioned; Long service in Clogher recognised; Call to daily prayer for Belfast; Oireachtas health committee hearing

Bray Narnia Festival

To celebrate the 150th Anniversary, Christ Church Bray is running another Narnia Festival.  “This time we are using the C.S. Lewis classic ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ and its timeless teaching on temptation and Lent as our inspiration”, comments rector Baden Stanley.

“With a large ship, dragon, Aslan, waterfall and much more, it promises to be a wonder-filled experience for all ages.

“We are running from Ash Wednesday, 13th February, to Easter Sunday, 31st March and while individuals and families can turn up, it is very important for schools and groups to book in advance.

“For more information you can contact us by email (christchurchbray@gmail.com); telephone (01-2862968); website (www.christchurchbray.org); and Facebook (Christ Church Bray or Narnia Festival 2013-Feb 13-March 31st).

“This really is a chance of a lifetime to visit the Land of Narnia and we have kept our ticket prices to an absolute minimum – Child €3 (accompanying adult is free); family ticket with up to 5 children €10;  €2 per child in school tour (accompanying adults free); Adult (without child) €5.”

Launch of Lenten study resource

The Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, President of the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland, will be launching the group’s Lent 2013 Bible Study Resource on ‘Gender Justice’ on Tuesday January 15th at 7pm in the Theological Institute, Braemor Park, Dublin 6.
This set of five Bible Studies pairs passages related to this theme from the Old Testament and the New Testament each week, offering reflections, notes and questions for group discussion.  It is hoped that each one will help participants consider how these texts of scripture may challenge and inspire us today.

The particular themes for each week are as follows:
1)    Pushing social boundaries
2)    Sin, responsibility and justice
3)    Gentile women in Nehemiah and Acts
4)    Power, abuse, victimhood and mutuality
5)    Destitution, determination and inspiration

A selection of prayers on the theme and a bibliography are included for use throughout the series; also a questionnaire which participants are asked to return as requested by the ACC’s Bible in the Life of the Church project, which has asked member churches to reflect on this theme as well as on Economic Justice, which was our subject last Lent.

These materials were written and compiled for BACI by the following: Dr Katie Heffelfinger, Dr David Hutchinson Edgar, Revd Canon Dr Ginnie Kennerley, Revd  Dr William Olhausen, Dr Jason Silverman, Revd Canon Helene Steed, and Ms Jacqui Wilkinson.

It is hoped that the Bible Study Resource will also be formally launched in the northern province in the course of the same week. (Negotiations are in progress.)

Down MU Diocesan President commissioned

Family, friends and Mother’s Union members packed into Magherahamlet Parish Church on Sunday 6 January for the commissioning of the new MU Diocesan President, Joy Silcock.

Outgoing President, Roberta Rogers, was present to ‘hand over the baton’ as part of the act of commissioning which was conducted by the Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Rt Revd Harold Miller. MU Chaplain and rector of Annahilt and Magherahamlet, Revd Canon Robert Howard, led and gave the address. Joy’s husband Billy, is part of a vocal quartet called ‘Harmony’ and they sang several pieces during the service.

Joy is a parishioner of Magherahamlet and has been an MU member for 20 years. She has served MU at branch, diocesan and all–Ireland level and was the Young Families

Representative on Down and Dromore Executive (as the Trustee Body was known). This led to her becoming Young Families Representative for the Northern Dioceses on the All– Ireland Executive and she also served for 3 years from 2002 as the editor of the Mothers’ Union All–Ireland Focus magazine.

Joy works part–time in a day nursery, is a volunteer for Downpatrick RDA (Riding for the Disabled) and also for Ballynahinch Child Contact Centre which opened 18 months ago. She and Billy have two adult sons, Alan and David, who may well see a bit less of her as she takes up the responsibilities of her diocesan role!

Diocesan Secretary and personal friend, June Butler and former Diocesan President, Mrs Norma Bell, both welcomed and commended Joy at the reception following the service. Joy, in her maiden speech, paid tribute to her predecessors in the post and urged MU members to make think about what their ‘Ideal’ membership would be like, whether it incorporates the vision and objectives of the Mother’s Union and what they would like to achieve at branch, and diocesan level. ‘How then, she asked, can we turn our ideal membership into the real thing?’ She suggested that a place to start was for members to reacquaint themselves with all the MU is doing in the diocese, Ireland and around the world.

Presentation of plaques for long service in the Diocese of Clogher

A service was held on Sunday 6th January in Christ Church Parish, Maguiresbridge to mark the work of the senior lay ministry in the diocese.  Bishop John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher was the preacher. He presented Clogher Diocesan plaques to Mr John Irvine, Mr Jack Watson,  Miss Lorna Meissner, Mr Jim Kerr and Mrs Ellen Stevenson.

A call to daily prayer for Belfast

A call to pray from the organisers of the prayer for peace at Belfast City Hall before Christmas…

Many of us joined together at the City Hall in Belfast to pray for the peace and prosperity of our city and our nation. Firstly we would like to say thank you for joining us in prayer. It was so encouraging to see Jesus–followers from all walks of life gathering together and praying. It was also encouraging to hear reports from the Police that the trouble they had been expecting that afternoon did not materialise.

We recognise that more prayer is needed though in these difficult days and that a one–off gathering will never be enough. We have a steadfast belief that our God cares about our whole society and that He is deeply moved by the prayers of His people. We have been chatting about a way we could continue to pray for peace in our land together in the days ahead. At the City Hall it struck many of us that there was a beautiful, powerful and dynamic sense to the corporate aspect of our prayers and we would love to develop this special sense of unity further.

In Proverbs 11:11 we read ‘By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted.’ We are inviting you to join with us in setting the alarm on your phone or watch for 11.11 each morning and evening to take a few moments wherever you find yourself to continue to pray and speak blessing over our city and our leaders. Praying that God would give wisdom, courage and grace to us all at this time and that peace and hope would return to our streets. You can do this alone or with friends/work–colleagues, for as long as you feel is practical. 11:11 is simply an easy hook to help us remember to pray together and speak blessing, but if that time doesn’t work, obviously feel free to pick another time that you can pray blessing over our land.

It would be a special and powerful thing if hundreds of Jesus–followers all over our country were speaking blessing over our city and nation over the next number of days at the same time.

Lord let your kingdom come in Belfast and this nation…

Church leaders and advocacy groups to give abortion views

Irish Times – Yesterday – Oireachtas health committee hearings on abortion –  Archbishop Michael Jackson and Mr Sam Harper from the Church of Ireland will attend together with Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland Dr Roy Patton and Heidi Good, representing the Methodist Church of Ireland