Irish news

Key role at enthronement of Archbishop of Canterbury;  Dublin Faith in Action; ‘Spiritual Capital’ series continues in TCD; Kilbroney Adventure Camp; Bridge to Life’ outreach at Lambeg

Key role at enthronement of Archbishop of Canterbury

Rowan Mann, daughter of the Dean of Belfast the Very Rev John Mann and his wifeHelen, will have a key role to play in the Enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Primary School teacher Rowan, aged 31, has been selected to act as a Server during the service in Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday March 21.

Her role will be to carry the Book of the Gospels in front of Archbishop Justin Welby when he goes to read the Gospels during the enthronement service.

Rowan, who lives in Deal, Kent, has been a parishioner at Canterbury Cathedral, where she is a Server and a Steward, for the past five years.

The Service will inaugurate the Archbishop’s public ministry at Canterbury Cathedral, and will be attended by Bishops from the Church of England, Primates of the wider Anglican Communion and many ecumenical guests.

Archbishop Richard Clarke and Archbishop Michael Jackson will both be there from the Church of Ireland.

Dean Mann said his daughter was both excited and nervous about her role on this historic occasion.

The service will be broadcast live on BBC2 starting at 2.30pm on March 21.

Dublin Faith in Action

Parishes in the Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough are being encouraged to put their faith into action and reach out to those in need in their areas.

The Faith in Action Conference 2013, organised by the Diocesan Social Action Group, takes place on Saturday April 20.

The aim of the conference is to create an environment that raises the profile of social justice and social action within the churches to help motivate, encourage and inspire people to connect with the needs of those around with them.

The event will take place in the Church of Ireland College of Education in Rathmines from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm. There will be a range of speakers who are experienced in the field. These include Fr Peter McVerry, Alice Leahy and Olive Donoghue.

A range of workshops focusing on debt and finance, engaging with new communities, tackling educational disadvantage, healthy eating, positive mental health, suicide and online bullying have also been organised to help people identify ways to meet the needs of their particular areas.

Encouraging people to attend the event, Archbishop Michael Jackson said: “I hope you feel this will be a valuable way for your parish to play a key role in reaching out to those in need. My hope and prayer are that, by encouraging the joint focus of mission and social justice, we can have a sense of uniting the diverse streams of the church that are present everywhere, but inevitably present here in our Diocese in specific ways, in a sense of common purpose.”

Chairperson of the Diocesan Social Action Group, Graham Jones added: “There is such goodwill out there and people really do want to help. This event will help people find a way to engage with the needs around them so that they can practically make a difference.”

Serving clergy from throughout the dioceses have been invited to attend. In addition, rectors have been asked to bring along a lay person from their parish who they fill would be helpful in creatively expanding the Christian witness of the parish. The conference is also open to other lay people.

Those wishing to attend can register by emailing the Archbishop’s PA at archdublinoffice@gmail.com giving their first name, surname, parish and email address. Information about workshops will be sent out following registration.

‘Spiritual Capital’ series continues in TCD

The 2013 Lenten series in the Chapel of Trinity College Dublin continues on Sunday March 17.

The series, entitled ‘Spiritual Capital’, will examine Ireland’s social and economic crisis. A group of distinguished visiting speakers will share their thoughts on the spiritual and other values which can best guide us out of our present difficulties.The speaker on Sunday will be Senator Sean Barrett, TCD Economics Department and member of Seanad Éireann

The series continues as follows: 17 March, the Revd Darren McCallig, Dean of Residence and Chaplain and 24 March, Ms. Gina Menzies, Theologian & Lecturer in Medical Ethics.

All of the addresses are in the context of the Church of Ireland Sunday morning Choral Eucharist at 10.45 am and all are welcome. Full details of the series as well as recordings of the addresses will be available on the Chaplaincy website.

Kilbroney Adventure Camp

Kilbroney Adventure Camp (04 Aug 2013 — 09 Aug 2013) is an activity summer camp for young people aged 11–14 years. An action–packed and fun–filled six days to look forward to in the middle of the summer holidays! 

Run by the Diocese of Down and Dromore, the camp is for lads and girls, who would like to try new things, make friends, learn about God and have lots of fun! 

Cost: £99 per person

The programme includes:

Morning and evening blast: A time for everyone to get together for fellowship and to learn more about the Bible and God’s plan for our lives.

Group activities: Activities and team challenges that campers get to do together as a group such as climbing, laser tag, archery, canoeing and sleep out.

Campers’ Choice activities: Skills that each camper can choose to learn themselves over the course of the week such as nature, cooking, survival skills, sports and crafts.

Evening events: Activities for everyone each evening including campfire, treasures in the dark, game show party, escape the leaders and murder mysteries.

Room devotions:

At the end of every day we will gather in rooms to talk a little bit about the day past, what we learned about life and God and to pray together.

For more details and/or an application form please contact Andrew Brannigan

Tel: 028 9082 8855
 Web: www.ddyc.co.uk
  Email: andrew@downanddromore.org

Bridge to Life’ outreach at Lambeg

Lambeg Parish (Connor) is to host an outreach campaign at the Church and The Hilden Centre from Wednesday March 20 to Thursday March 28

The guest speaker at all the 13 events and services during this ‘Bridge to Life’ mission will be The Rt Rev Kenneth Clarke, Mission Director of SAMS UK and Ireland.
Bishop Clarke recently stepped down from the House of Bishops, having served for 12 years as Bishop of the United Dioceses of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh, to take up his new position.

For the Bishop, this move was a case of going back to his roots, as early in his ministry he and his wife Helen had served with SAMS in Chile. Since then he continued to be involved in the work of SAMS while serving as rector in Crinken and Coleraine, and as Archdeacon of Connor before being elected as Bishop to the dioceses he has just left.

Bishop Clarke is a very highly respected speaker both in Ireland and overseas and comes to the area with a wealth of experience in communicating the gospel. Recently he published a book, ‘Going for Growth, ‘drawing on the experiences of Peter the Apostle and applying these principles to the Church today.

The Bishop contends that Jesus works the same kind of transformation in his followers today, and encourages believers and Church leaders to keep their focus, handle failure and fulfil their potential in God’s service.

The Rector of Lambeg, the Rev Canon Ken McReynolds said: “I look forward to the Bishop’s ministry in Lambeg and welcome him as a man with a passion for the Church and Gospel.”

‘Bridge to life’ will include several events as well as worship in the parish church. These include a special evening for the Girls’ Brigade and their parents on Wednesday March 20, a Ladies’ Evening on Friday 22nd, a Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 23rd and a bowling tournament on Monday 25th (between the Bishop’s Select and the Parish Bowling Club!)

Everyone is welcome and further details can be obtained from the Mission Secretary at 028 9258 3078 or 07786 627 618, or by email to lambegmissionsecretary@gmail.com. Information is also on the parish website