Irish news and media review

Tercentenary of the birth of Rotunda founder; Bishop Williams welcomes new Bishop of Limerick; Window dedicated; Black Santa says thanks; Job vacancy: Media review

Tercentenary of the birth of Rotunda founder

At Evensong in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin on Sunday 27 January at 3.15 the tercentenary of the birth of Bartholomew Mosse, founder of the Rotunda Hospital will be commemorated. Members of the hospital will participate in the service and the address will be given by the Master Dr Sam Coulter-Smith.

Bishop Williams welcomes new Bishop of Limerick

The Right Revd Trevor Williams, Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe stated – 

‘I would like to congratulate Prof. Revd Brendan Leahy on his appointment as Bishop of Limerick. I am personally delighted as I have known Fr Leahy over many years and have valued his considerable gifts and the contribution he has made as a Christian leader.

‘My time in Limerick has been enriched by the friendship of Bishop Donal Murray, Fr Tony Mullins (Diocesan Administrator), and many of the priests in the Diocese. The relationship between our Churches is already close and I warmly welcome Fr Leahy to Limerick and look forward to working with him.’

Window dedicated

The Dean of Connor, the Very Rev Rev John Bond dedicated a stained glass window in memory of Mrs Pamela McKee in St Patrick’s Parish Church, Broughshane.

The window was the gift of Pamela’s husband Alastair, son Peter and daughter Sophie, and the dedication took place on Sunday December 16.

The theme of the window is ‘Humility,’ based on St Matthew 18: 4: ‘Whosoever becomes humble like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’ Jesus is depicted holding a child in his arms watched by his mother.

Dean Bond said: “Pamela died just a year ago after a courageous battle against cancer. A lady with many gifts and talents, she was very much involved with St Patrick’s and had a strong faith in God which she expressed in action.

“She had a very distinguished career as a librarian and pioneered audio visual material in primary and post–primary schools.”

Dean Bond said this beautiful window not only enhanced the church but was a powerful teaching medium. “It draws us to the love and care of Jesus for the most vulnerable in our society .. a child, so trusting, so loving and a mother who knows that her child is in safe hands,” the Dean said.

“As we look at this magnificent window, we are challenged by its message… encouraged by its simplicity and meaning… and we see so much of Pamela in its presentation.”

Black Santa says thanks

The Black Santa Sitout for charities which took place on the steps of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, in the days before Christmas, now moves into its second phase.

Attention turns from the generosity of the giver to the needs of the charities and their hard working volunteers and supporters. The Cathedral is now preparing for the annual ‘Good Samaritan Service’ which takes place at 3.30 p.m. on Sunday February 3.

The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, said that the names of those presenting the cheques and the list of Charities receiving a grant will be announced in due course.

“In the meantime let me update you on the collection,” said the Dean. “At the beginning of the New Year the total in the bank stood at a little over £154,000. This may seem some way from last year’s total of £185,000, but is in fact £6,000 more than at the same stage in January 2012.

“The fact that it is still set to rise is because of a number of factors: The coin under 50p in value has still to be counted (and 87 weighty bags of it were sent to the bank), cheques are still arriving from parishes, individuals and institutions and we have the Gift Aid tax refunds to add – which could well amount to £10,000. 

“So we are hopeful that the first target – to exceed the total from Christmas 2011 will be passed and we may get close to the overall target of £200,000. May I once again thank everyone who has contributed for their generosity.”

Job vacancy at Love for Life

Love for Life requires a Full Time Permanent Female Programme Developer to develop and deliver Relationship and Sexuality Education programmes in schools and youth groups.
For application forms and further information please contact:

Love for Life
6 Banbridge Road
BT66 7QA

Tel: 028 38 820 555 or email: info@loveforlife.org.uk

This vacancy is only open to female applicants. This is because being a woman is a genuine occupational qualification of the post in accordance with article 10(2)(e) of the sex discrimination (NI) order 1976.

Applications must be returned to Love for Life no later than 5.00pm on Monday 28 January. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 12 February.


RE in Irish schools

Oireachtas hearings on abortion wrap up with pro-choice presentations

Health Minister James Reilly appeared in the Seanad chamber.

Legislation for X ‘not necessary’

Irish Times – Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin Dr Michael Jackson said his Church opposed abortion on principle but acknowledged that there were cases of “strict and undeniable medical necessity” where it was and should be an option. “The Church has …

10 interesting moments from day three of the Oireachtas hearings on abortion

Thursday was the final day of Oireachtas hearings on how to implement legislation for the X case with religious and advocacy groups having their thoughts heard.

Justice committee at Stormont grills Marie Stopes representatives

The committee asked representatives if they located the clinic across from a train station to encourage women from the Republic to travel there for abortions.

Dublin priest Brendan Leahy appointed as new Bishop of Limerick

Fr Leahy succeeds Donal Murray, who resigned in 2009 after being criticised by the Murphy Report into clerical abuse.

Two years on – how civil partnership helped change Irish attitudes

I’m proud I was involved in bringing about civil partnership, because it’s made a real difference to people’s lives – including my own, writes Roderic O’Gorman.