Irish news and media review

Programme for Centre for the Study of Irish Protestantism; Diocesan web site; MU Commissioning;  Marriage Week NI launch event; Media review – Bishops’ intervention is normal democracy; TDs attack bishops on abortion;  Dublin fee paying school to admit girls   

Programme for Centre for the Study of Irish Protestantism

The Centre for the Study of Irish Protestantism (www.irishprotestantism.ie) was launched at an inaugural conference entitled ‘Shaping identities’ last June. Linked to the Departments of Adult and Community Education and History at NUI, Maynooth it is interdisciplinary in nature and builds on the work carried out by a number of academics in the university over the last decade. Its role is to support research, discussion and exploration , and to act as a resource for Irish Protestantism. The Centre plans to hold a number of seminars and colloquia each year as well as an annual conference.

This year’s seminars will focus on three areas: the role of the churches in reconciliation; the problems and opportunities facing Protestant education; and a workshop on narrative and identity. The Centre will host the first visit by a Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland to NUIM in March, and the second annual conference entitled ‘Irish religious history: Protestant, Catholic and beyond’ will be held in September 2013. Further information may be obtained by consulting the Centre’s web page or by contacting the Centre’s director at tony.walsh@nuim.ie

Diocesan web site

Today Bishop Good of Derry will launch a new diocesan website – www.derry.anglican.org

MU Commissioning

Yesterday in Derryvullen North parish church, Irvinestown, the Bishop of Clogher, the Rt Revd John McDowell, commissioned Dr Margaret Knox as Clogher Diocesan Mothers’ Union President.

Marriage Week NI launch event

Marriage Week NI is being sponsored by the Evangelical Alliance and there is a special launch event, “Real Life Marriage”,on Wednesday 6 February at Orangefield Presbyterian Church. This event is free and there is no need to register but EA kindly requests that if you plan to come with a group of ten or more that you contact the EANI office on 028 9029 2266.

Marriage Week NI is about;

Encouraging churches across Northern Ireland to support marriage – both in their congregations and local communities.

Equipping churches in this work by highlighting a wide range of available resources, research, and training opportunities.

Engaging with wider society to show how we can help build stronger communities through preparing, enriching and supporting marriages.

A leaflet to help promote the event is downloadable at:


Bishops’ intervention is normal democracy
Independent – Comment article on the abortion hearings

TDs attack bishops on abortion

Dublin fee paying school to admit girls
Independent -Economics and Sandford Park