Irish news and media review

St Patrick’s Day in Down and Dublin; Dublin welcome for Pope Francis; Seafarers Mission commissioned to write Titanic II prayer; Media review

St Patrick’s Day in Down and Dublin

The theme of the 2013 St Patrick’s Day celebrations at Down Cathedral is, “Christian Character” and the guest speaker will be the Mission Director of SAMS UK & Ireland, Bishop Ken Clarke.

In his address Bishop Clarke will use Proverbs 4:23 as his text: “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”. Using Patrick as an example and inspiration he will address Christian leaders, urging them to live with integrity and purity and to usher in ‘a new wave of mission and Christian service,’ on our island. “This,” he will say, “can be a life-changing day”.

Church-based uniformed organisations make a valuable contribution to the development of character in our young people. This year members of the Church Girls’ Brigade, Church Lads’ Brigade, Guides and Boys’ Brigade will form a guard of honour for the arrival of the pilgrimage and ahead of the wreath laying ceremony.

For the first time the Psalm Drummers will parycipate. They are members of a worldwide network of Christian drummers and percussionists, who will participate in the Festival Service. Regular contributors, The Sullivan Irish Music Group, will welcome pilgrims in the Cathedral narthex and also play during lunch in the marquee.

The annual St Patrick’s Day event, which is organized by The Church of Ireland Diocese of Down and Dromore, gathers hundreds of visitors, from Ireland and abroad. It begins with a service of Holy Communion at Saul Church, followed by a pilgrimage to Down Cathedral. The pilgrims are greeted by a bagpiper at the bottom of the Mall then piped to the Cathedral doors and into the Festival Service. After the service, a wreath is laid at St Patrick’s grave by local ministers of all denominations before lunch is served to invited guests in the Cathedral grounds.

Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

The Very Reverend Dermot Dunne, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, invites you to attend a Festival Eucharist at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 17 March, 2013 (The Feast of St Patrick) sung by the choirs of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin and St Peter’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Belfast together with the Christ Church Brass Ensemble.

Dublin welcome for Pope Francis

The Archbishop Of Dublin, The Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson said, “I welcome the election of Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope in succession to Pope Benedict XIV. Pope Francis I brings to the papal office years of pastoral concern and scholarly care for people and priests in his native Argentina.

“The name Francis connects us with the celebration of God’s creation and the love of the poor which characterized Francis of Assisi. The first Francis combined God’s call of him with a life of simplicity, prayer and community. Pope Francis will be much loved in doing the same. 

“I wish Pope Francis I all that is best as he undertakes a work of God for the people of God within the Roman Catholic Church. He does so in solidarity with Christians everywhere as together we seek to serve God in loving our neighbours and engaging with people of faith worldwide and at home in Ireland.”

Seafarers Mission commissioned to write Titanic II prayer

The Mission to Seafarers global maritime welfare charity has announced that they have been commissioned to write and deliver a prayer of remembrance and to give a blessing to the future crew, passengers and engineers who will sail on the replica cruise ship Titanic II.

Blue Star Line of Australia, led by billionaire business tycoon Professor Clive Palmer, have designed the new ship which will be built in China. It is an almost exact replica of the historic passenger liner Titanic. All new modern safety features will be included in the Titanic II design and lifeboat requirements will meet strict international standards.
Professor Palmer said: “All of us stand in awe of the courage of people who stood on the deck as the ship went down and sang hymns, which reminds us of their faith in God and what it meant; and we need to have faith again I think, in what we can do in our lives.”
Director of chaplaincy for The Mission to Seafarers, The Rev Canon Huw Mosford who wrote the prayer said: “We are proud to contribute to the Titanic II project and to work with Blue Star Line; together we ask for a blessing for all those who will travel on and work aboard the new ship which will set sail from Southampton to New York on her maiden voyage in 2016.”

This new project has captured the imagination of many around the world, and is set to be an impressive feat of modern ship building and an authentic Edwardian-style cruise experience.

Blue Star Line will be hosting a global series of gala launch dinner and breakfast events for the Titanic II project in Macau, New York, Halifax, London and Southampton, where The Mission to Seafarers’ prayer will be said. The London event takes place at the Natural History Museum on Saturday 2 March 2013.

The Mission to Seafarers’ Prayer for Titanic II 

by The Revd Canon Huw Mosford 

Director of chaplaincy

From Psalms 139:9

Dear Lord we give you our thanks

For all the engineers, passengers and crew

Who plan to build and sail the prestigious ship 
Titanic II;

May her journey be calm and her course be true.

Lord in your wisdom, let us not forgot

All seamen and women,

All rich and poor travellers,

All nations who have sorrowed,

For those in the cold grave of the ocean stowed.

‘If I take the wings of the morning 
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea 
Even there shall your hand lead me; 
And your right hand shall hold me.’ Amen

World and regional church bodies greet Pope Francis

UK welcomes election of new Pope
British politicians and religious leaders welcome the election of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as the new Pope.

A day of recriminations as NI abortion amendment falls

Abortion law amendment fails

Police ‘assessing’ abortion letter signed by women