Hanks in The Herald

Photo above – In the March edition of the Presbyterian Herald, Sarah Harding takes a look at the new movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood,” starring Tom Hanks. The PH staff have made this article available free of charge on Issuu, to access it go to – [ bit.ly/39a9Mb2 ]

This Sunday, Songs of Praise from Down Cathedral

Songs of Praise will be broadcast from Down Cathedral on Sunday 15 March so tune in to BBC 1 at 1.15 pm. Another of our churches, St Mark’s Dundela, will also feature. The programme notes below will give you a taste of what’s in store.

Ahead of St Patrick’s Day, Claire McCollum is in County Down in Northern Ireland. St Patrick isn’t Ireland’s only patron saint, as Claire finds out about the life and work of the lesser–known St Brigid, locally famed for turning tree bark into bacon.

One of Belfast’s sons, CS Lewis was inspired by the beautiful landscape of County Down to write his Chronicles of Narnia, and we learn more about his sometimes reluctant Christianity at his home church in East Belfast.

Claire discovers how the Anglican Church is encouraging its congregations to take part in a countrywide spring clean. She joins a Christian youth group of Protestants and Catholics in Downpatrick to give them a hand litter–picking for Lent.

Plus music from across Northern Ireland and a very special performance of In Christ Alone with Daniel O’Donnell.

Moderator meets with PCI army chaplains

Dr Henry commented, “Super to meet three of our Army chaplains over the past couple of days. Pictured with Revs Dr Paul Swinn, Norman McDowell and Mark Henderson. Having glimpsed a little of their work I’m reminded to continue to pray for their ministries and its impact.”

Disestablishment focus in Clogher

The Dean and Chapter are hosting a night in Clogher Cathedral at which the Bishop of Clogher, The Right Revd John McDowell, will give a talk on the ‘Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland’. It will be held on the Feast Day of St Macartan – Tuesday 24th March at 7.30pm. An invitation is extended to all.

Foyle Gideons meet Bishop of Derry

Members of the Foyle Branch of the Gideons paid a courtesy call to the Diocesan Office in Londonderry on Monday morning to meet Bishop Andrew Foster for the first time formally.

William Roulston and Sean McClafferty presented the Bishop with a copy of the Holy Bible. The three talked about the Gideons’ work, locally, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Gideons International is an association of businessmen and professionals best known for placing Bibles in hotel rooms across the world. Less well known is its placement of Scriptures in other strategic locations so that the Word of God is available to those who want it, as well as those who may not know they need to hear it.

Emerge leadership training

The next stage of PCI’s Emerge leadership training took place in Lowe Memorial and Ahoghill Presbyterian churches recently looking at the culture of leadership and how leaders can influence it. Discussions followed about what to do when cultures collide and how to have healthy leadership teams

Quilt exhibition celebrates the hope and promise of Easter

St Cedma’s Parish Piecemakers quilting group in Larne is planning an open afternoon between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday April 18 when its Quilts of Joy Exhibition will be on display.

This set of quilts has been made for St Cedma’s in celebration of the hope and promise of Easter.

The group has previously hosted a number of exhibitions of its beautiful Quilts for Advent collection.

After viewing the quilts, visitors can have a chat over tea and home-made cake in the adjacent Inver Hall, shop at the talent stalls and browse through a selection of second chance clothing and accessories at Revamp! An afternoon out for everyone!

God in creation

