Royal School of Church Music Awards for choristers in Cork

Photo above – The seven choristers with their recent RSCM Awards, and with Mr Peter Stobart, Director of Music, St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork.

Seven choristers were presented with the Royal School of Church Music awards at the Eucharist Service at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Sunday 8th March. Five boys received the bronze award and two the silver award. The seven boys were examined in November and were assessed on their singing and associated musical skills such as sight reading and aural tests. The silver award candidates were required to give a short presentation on several aspects of church liturgy and how it links the music which they sing. Their marks reflect the hard work which they put in preparing for the examination and also the commitment and dedication which they have given to the cathedral choir over the years.

PRAY HOPE over Coronavirus, Bishop McClay

Bishop David McClay of Down & Dromore has called church members in the diocese to join a church–wide initiative to PRAY HOPE over the Coronavirus for the next 20 days from Sunday 22 March to Good Friday 10 April.

H – Healing in Jesus’ name
O – Open Doors in Conversations
P – Proclamation of the Good News
E – Eternal Life as we pray for 1000’s, if not millions, to trust in Jesus

We can’t publish the video on our site but please follow this link to view it
[[] https://vimeo.com/398538652 ]
and join in by downloading and using the 20 day Prayer Guide –
[[] https://www.downanddromore.org/news/2020/03/pray-hope-over-coronavirus ]

Growth of Christians Against Poverty in NI

When CAP Northern Ireland was launched 10 years ago, the organisers didn’t know what impact it would have. But a decade later, they are celebrating 6700+ people who’ve been helped through the churches there, with 152 people becoming debt free in 2018 alone!

Updated guidance from the Diocese of Down and Connor in relation to Covid-19

Public Health Advice
We strongly advise and encourage all clergy, diocesan employees and all the faithful to adhere strictly to the public health guidelines issued by government.

The latest government advice can be found at www.gov.uk/coronavirus

The Public Celebration of Mass
The public celebration of Mass remains suspended.

Baptisms may continue to be celebrated, by appointment. Only one child should be baptised on any one occasion. Only the child’s parents and two godparents may attend.

If possible, weddings should be postponed to a time when public gatherings can safely resume. Marriage ceremonies must be restricted to the presence of the celebrant, the couple and the two witnesses. The Nuptial Mass is not to be celebrated and the Rite of Marriage without the celebration of Mass will be used.

Funerals are to be private and restricted to the immediate family of the deceased only.

In the interests of public health and to encourage social distancing, when publishing death notices, families and funeral directors are asked to refrain from including details of the funeral service.

Opening of Churches
Churches will continue to remain open for private personal prayer only, all other public devotional practices, likely to attract a gathering of people are suspended.

Parish Centres/Parochial Halls
Parish Centres and Parochial halls are now to be closed to members of the public. Access will be maintained for tenants who are providing essential services (e.g. childcare facilities who have been requested to maintain service for essential workers and other social support.)

Meetings, seminars, courses and retreats
All meetings, courses, seminars and other pastoral gatherings are cancelled.

These directives will be kept under regular review
Diocese of Down and Connor: Issued 20 March 2020

Time to Pray app free

The Time to Pray app is now completely free. For all who want to pray, for the first time or the millionth, this app is for you. [[] cofe.io/TimeToPrayApp ]

Church and Covid–19 – Down & Dromore answers FAQs

The Rt Revd David McClay, Bishop of Down and Dromore, has made available a document of advice. Bishop McClay comments, “We have had many enquiries in the last week so the diocese has put together some guidance relating to the most frequently asked questions”. See –
[[] https://www.downanddromore.org/news/2020/03/church-and-covid-19–answers-to-your-faqs ]

Lord Mayor and Bishops of Cork Broadcast by Webcam on St Patrick’s Day

Photo above – At the Cathedral of St Mary and St. Anne, Bishop of Cork and Ross Bishop Fintan Gavin, Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr Dr John Sheehan and Bishop of Cork Cloyne and Ross. Bishop Paul Colton. Sending St Patricks Day Messages to all.

On Saint Patrick’s Day, the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Dr John Sheehan, Dr Paul Colton, Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, and Dr Fintan Gavin, Bishop of Cork and Ross met (socially distanced each from the other) at the Cathedral of Saint Mary and Saint Anne, Cork to broadcast messages of support and solidarity to the people of Cork at home and abroad. The messages were part of a longer broadcast of Mass for Saint Patrick’s Day on the Cathedral webcam

God in creation

Grant us, O Lord, the will to accomplish all that pleases you; the strength to do all that you command and the reverence to respect all that you have made; for your own name’s sake.
