Irish news digest

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021

Now online – Brochure for the Week of Prayer for ChristianUnity 2021, prepared by the Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland. The theme that was chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1-17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the church and the human family. Time to start preparing!
[[] https://www.oikoumene.org/en/resources/week-of-prayer/week-of-prayer ]


BBC TV – A service for VE Day

A televised service for VE Day on Sun 10 May, 10:45 will be shown on BBCOne from Hereford Cathedral. It will be led by The Right Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, the Bishop of Dover. Filmed before the closure of all church buildings, it features hymns recorded by BBCSoP in 2017.

Last Sunday’s Songs of Praise focussed on “Faith and farming” in which presenter Revd Kate Bottley revisited agricultural stories from the programme. It includes an interview with the Bishop of Ripon, Helen-Ann Hartley, at the Great Yorkshire Show (at around 05:24)
[ https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000hyqb/songs-of-praise-faith-and-farming ]

Presbyterian Women apart from one another but part of something special

Photo – Heather Clements, incoming President of PW

This week normally sees one of the biggest annual events hosted by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The Presbyterian Women’s Annual Meeting and Evening Celebration draw women of all ages from congregations right across Ireland. Along with praise, prayer and teaching, the Annual Meeting launches the themes and projects of PW for the next church year. It also sees one PW President hand over to another.

This year the event has fallen victim to the restrictions on gatherings made necessary by the coronavirus pandemic. However, as outgoing President Karen Craig reflects on her year in office and incoming President Heather Clements looks forward to what lies ahead, it’s clear that PW members may be apart from one another, but they are still a part of something special under God. See –
[[] https://www.presbyterianireland.org/Blog/May-2020/Apart-from-one-another,-but-still-a-part-of-someth.aspx ]

Methodist Church Online Worship Resource for Sunday

For Sunday 10th May, Lay leader of Conference, Lynda Neilands shares a reflection on Philip’s words to Jesus, ‘Show us the Father’.
Download this Sunday’s service here:
[[] https://vimeo.com/414714782 ]

Points for Prayer

Pray for families with children or teenagers at home in lockdown, asking that God would help parents creatively balance schooling, home life and watching over the general wellbeing of those under their care.

Pray for children with disabilities, and those who are trying to care for them during lockdown. As communities let’s keep doing what we can to look after each other.

Pray today for creative ways to encourage one another in our faith during times when we can’t meet together physically for fellowship and worship.

God in Creation
